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Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2000 8:00 am
by Guest
This file has expired and is no longer available here. The owner of the topic can re-upload the file, or post a link to an off-site file. <BR><BR><a name="planetz-tag"></a>Related To: Cubase<BR> _____________________________________<BR><BR> I have an Alesis QS7 lightpipe going to the Yamaha 01V Adat option which goes to the pulsar card into Cubase. With this project - I like the idea that you can mixdown audio in cubase and you can also use a 2-track editor to mixdown to as well - just run the wav driver to the mixdown output and there you go. Wavelab v3.0 is very nice for this too - it is 24-bit 96Hz compatible and it has a spectrum analyzer for while your recording too - it really makes the effects and eq's in pulsar work...