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Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 7:02 am
by jhulk
ill explain the problem with the 32 to 64 bit sample players

its the instructions int instruction is 32bits now on a 32bit system its 4bytes pointer size

know this is where the problem is on the 64bit int32 is in 8bytes per pointer size

its actually a ms coding problem when trying to make 32bit code compatible with 64bit

rather than keeping the same pointer size as 32bit int instruction they made it larger the reason for this they needed fewer pointers 1/2 of the 32bit

now any new 32bit instruction use the getpointer instruction for a 64bit os

now the sts samplers and the sample osc were written for 32bit systems so they use int and would not of known the 64bit getpointer in32 instruction set

as it was not available

now on 64bit programs there are conversion programs that deal with older coded plugs in 32bit and they bridge the 64bit problem with instructions that take the values then re write the instructions so that they perform properly in 64bit environment one program is jbridge

but this adds extra latency to the plug as it has to process the instruction twice and why the 32bit equivalents are less cpu intensive than being used in 64bit mode

it is being addressed but its not an overnight thing

it means ever int instruction for the memory pointer system for the int of the 32bit code for the sample player .h file has to be changed so that in 64bit and 32bit it works

this means updating the .h file and cpp file then coding a new .dll that address these new instruction set then test debug test debug until you have a working module then add the module to the dsp data base and create a gui for it

the getpointer instruction works for both 64bit and 32bit as its still 32bit instructions but its telling to get the memory pointer int32 so on a 32 bit os it will be 4bytes per pointer but on a 64bit os its 8bytes per pointer

but the int instruction is asking for a 4 bytes pointer and there is not one on a 64bit os and so it does not know what todo no sound or crashes or you get the bsod problems

in a 64bit os they still use 32bit audio the scope system works on 32 bit interger and is the most dsp efficient as floating point it need a int to float convertor and so needs extra dsp to process

as ever if microsoft had just kept the original int pointer size of 4bytes then it would of never been a problem and any 32bit software would of worked but microsoft wants people to ever change the os + more money comming in

and they add new instructions all the time so that new ide software has to be released

which means a constant learning curve for c++ developement

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 7:56 am
by neuromantik
Bud Weiser wrote:
neuromantik wrote: Then the whole sampler/sequencer 64bit debacle.
Well, I don´t want to discuss if we really need 64Bit in the audio/MIDI world just only because the computer industry dictates.
There is no other way than dealing w/ the facts and wait for SCOPE 6.
I will agree that SCOPE shouldn't be pressured by the industry in regards to chip architecture, but unfortunately IMO the 64 bit issue is sort of a metaphor for how Creamware and S|C integrate into the modern producer's sw ecosystem. Commercial 64bit chips have been around since 2003 so when the Xite was released it wasn't exactly bleeding edge. Personally I feel somewhat duped that something as advanced and state of the art as the Xite would require a host architecture that is clearly out the door. Again I'm not exactly complaining, but at one point S|C was charging upgrades from 5.0 to 5.1 bringing x64 compatibility, which I find perfectly understandable and commendable for working with the old hw. Yet as the x64 compatibility is incomplete, the common advice is to dissuade users from running a 64 bit OS, yet I was under the impression that the 5.1 drivers were THE solution to the latter. Honestly I would have preferred paying triple for working x64 wave drivers and x64 file libraries, so please don't flame me for expecting all of these improvements for free.
jhulk wrote:ill explain the problem with the 32 to 64 bit sample players
it is being addressed but its not an overnight thing
Seems like you nailed the issue :) Care to share your diagnostic with S|C?

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:09 am
by jhulk
as i said s/c are already addressing it

but coding takes time

as they want to get it write

as i dont try todo all in one box solution

i use the scope systems to there best ability

so i use them as 32bit machines

win7 32bits allows upto 4gb per program allocated

but i do use kontakt but can tell you the sound of modular is much better and you are in control of what miodules you fit

in kontakt in the instrument layer you can only have 1 vca amp

so its hard too really use it modular its nice with the scripting language to make nice gui

but doing complex vca routings for 4 instrument layers filter vca then vca vector mixing is impossible

even old sampler hardware can do it like the roland s7xx series

the asr10 can do it

now in modular you can do it by adding the modules

now as audio goes the xite is not going to sound any better in 64bit than in 32bit because it uses int32 for 32bit audio

so i use a win764 for my several daws live /prosonus one/bitwig/reason

and kontakt and reaktor adat to my scope systems

my scope systems both work on xp server worksations using dual xeon processors and 12gb of ram and win732bit rock solid do all the things supposed todo

the system works and has worked for a very long time

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:21 am
by Bud Weiser
neuromantik wrote: ... IMO the 64 bit issue is sort of a metaphor for how Creamware and S|C integrate into the modern producer's sw ecosystem.
please define:

a) modern
b) producer
c) software ecosystem

No offense, but up to now I haven´t seen any real professional producer and engineer (for the big acts in rock & pop) not getting his work done and finished because not everything is 64Bit.
The here so called "ecosystem" of these guys is a mix of old and new gear always incl. all kind of analogue outboard gear and hardware mixing consoles, DAW computer(s) as well as multi track tape recorders.
Most of the big studios and producers are proud of not doing everything "in the box".
neuromantik wrote: Commercial 64bit chips have been around since 2003 so when the Xite was released it wasn't exactly bleeding edge. Personally I feel somewhat duped that something as advanced and state of the art as the Xite would require a host architecture that is clearly out the door.
Well, as a touring and recording musician, arranger and occasional composer too, I was never ever interested in what bitdepth a program is coded or if I record in 44.1, 48 or 96k.
I´ve always found ways to get the result I wanted and others did too.

The truth is, you don´t even need a computer to create fine music.
But today, the computer is a big help, an established tool and we record and edit w/ help of computers.
Nothing against that,- but in no way it must be all in 64Bit.

What comes when Microsoft introduces 128Bit systems and "SCOPE 6 - 64 - completely-complete" is just released ?
You need that too then in a minute,- just to make some music,- probably only some non-commercial stuff in your home studio and not for the Rolling Stones (who hopefully will be still alive then) ? :D

Why in the world do we have to buy new computer components or stock computers, new software upgrades and new controllers every few years when we only do the same than decades ago,- making music.
In fact, it´s only because the computer industry wants that.

For me, it is some part of creativity to work around exactly THAT because I want to save my money and have gear I can work w/ for decades and not only 3 years.
Creamware and S|C hardware is that reliable and I´ll try to find the lowest level computers to run that gear as long as the gear itself is in working condition.
In no way a software manufacturer and computer manufacturer dictates me to throw away my old but reliable gear/tools I´m familiar with.

I go 64Bit when SCOPE 6 comes and there is no reason for me not to work in 32Bit w/ SCOPE/XITE.

The samplers ...
Why in the world changing complete and working systems instead setting up a machine for just only the sampling and editing of samples ?
neuromantik wrote: Again I'm not exactly complaining, but at one point S|C was charging upgrades from 5.0 to 5.1 bringing x64 compatibility, which I find perfectly understandable and commendable for working with the old hw. Yet as the x64 compatibility is incomplete, the common advice is to dissuade users from running a 64 bit OS, yet I was under the impression that the 5.1 drivers were THE solution to the latter. Honestly I would have preferred paying triple for working x64 wave drivers and x64 file libraries, so please don't flame me for expecting all of these improvements for free.
No, no, no,- as Gary said in another post, he appreciates people using SCOPE in 64Bit,- but it doesn´t work w/ the sampler, sample player modules in (ZARG) synths and also not w/ the WAVE driver.

As I understood, the main goal w/ 64Bit upgrades was the ASIO and MIDI drivers to make it work.
And don´t forget we also got more and new devices in SCOPE 5 and 5.1 !

I myself, I use the WAVE driver for entertainment only,- even in my 32Bit system.
When you work w/ low latency throughout,- what´s the WAVE driver good for except you fly in another application´s audio because the ASIO driver isn´t multiclient but you have the latency then so you can only work w/ the sequencer to compensate latency ?

When SCOPE is a incomplete software, what´s up w/ the other DAW applications out there ?
neuromantik wrote:
jhulk wrote:ill explain the problem with the 32 to 64 bit sample players
it is being addressed but its not an overnight thing
Seems like you nailed the issue :) Care to share your diagnostic with S|C?
Yep, jhulk explained well, that was a good read and it leaded me into googeling a bit to know what you were talking about exactly.

I think S|C developers know about that microsoft code problem as also most VST/AU plugin developers know it.


Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 12:32 pm
by neuromantik
Bud Weiser wrote: please define:

a) modern
b) producer
c) software ecosystem

No offense, but up to now I haven´t seen any real professional producer and engineer (for the big acts in rock & pop) not getting his work done and finished because not everything is 64Bit.
The here so called "ecosystem" of these guys is a mix of old and new gear always incl. all kind of analogue outboard gear and hardware mixing consoles, DAW computer(s) as well as multi track tape recorders.
No offense taken, I try to keep the discussion civil. :)
Mmm I guess what I meant by sw ecosystem is have a system where SCOPE is a keystone of a studio yet still plays nice with other sw. Standards such as VST, AU or rewire would be a bad example since I'm not a big plugin fan (although it may help sales to those ITB people who are used to a certain workflow) but mostly what I'm referring to is partnerships with other sw houses like Cycling's integration of Max w/ Ableton in order to be able to provide complete solutions rather than "this is my way or the highway" integrations.
Personally I'm not holding my breath for Parseq anymore, but if rather than pointing fingers a solution could be found to get reliable MIDI clock timing for a DAW MTC and say a clock gen within SCOPE I think that would be grand :). Honestly who here wouldn't use Reason if it could be powered by SCOPE DSPs? But I digress, I'm not a professional but a bedroom producer and I don't believe in golden hammers so I guess I like seeing things work nicely together
Bud Weiser wrote: The truth is, you don´t even need a computer to create fine music.
But today, the computer is a big help, an established tool and we record and edit w/ help of computers.
Nothing against that,- but in no way it must be all in 64Bit.
I go 64Bit when SCOPE 6 comes and there is no reason for me not to work in 32Bit w/ SCOPE/XITE.
The samplers ...
Why in the world changing complete and working systems instead setting up a machine for just only the sampling and editing of samples ?
I don't care about 32 vs 64bit. However I already have a legacy P4 AGP XP machine with my old PCI cards (which I consider an outboard synth/fx machine), and I was hoping that when I acquired the Xite in 2012 that I could use my more modern workstation which was running cubase4 + kontakt (all 32bit) but on the 64bit OS the PC came installed with. It really is simply a convenience thing, nothing concrete. I could end up purchasing just a 32bit version of Win7 or 8 since the latter is no longer in production and all would be working, it's just that in my inexperienced hobbyist mind it seems like a bit of a regression I don't know. I mean even the NM editor (which is a 32bit app) works on Win7x64 (because of the 64bit drivers).
Bud Weiser wrote: No, no, no,- as Gary said in another post, he appreciates people using SCOPE in 64Bit,- but it doesn´t work w/ the sampler, sample player modules in (ZARG) synths and also not w/ the WAVE driver.
Ok then I misunderstood at the time of purchase. Thanks for the helpful info, and keeping it polite :)

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 12:32 pm
by emotive
Sorry bud, but your assumptions are all wrong.

It seems you suffer from the same problem(s) as too many on this forum to recall.

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 1:25 pm
by hubird
reply on content please.

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 1:40 pm
by dante
emotive wrote:Sorry bud, but your assumptions are all wrong.
What assumptions ?

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 1:42 pm
by emotive
hubird wrote:reply on content please.
i don't use Mac and i DON'T make posts only to inflate my post count.

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:54 pm
by dawman
I can make this easy to explain. Scope XITE-1 and the cards have been my live performance tools since 2002.
Anyone wanting to make music can use a PC/Mac Linux box, but you will never know the feeling of real time performance unless you use any Scope products, Native samplers with a fast RME card, or hardware.

For making beats and stuff my kid does wonders with a MacBook Pro running Logic, and records audio via the Firewire RME w/ ADK C414s.

They do their shows over the pre recorded audio ala Kendrick Lamar style and Daft Punk and sound graaaayyyyyy8888... :D

But the native synths they use to record just don't work well live.
But Alchemy and Zebra sound pretty good for the stuff they do, and Logics B3 and Rhodes emulations are also something I could use, if it would only run through a Scope DSP card or rack.

The most recent RME MADI stuff is all over Nashville and Vegas, but they use hardware Hammonds/Leslies, and even have genuine Pedal Steel players using Leslies W/ hardware tape delays and it sounds great.

Not a big Joe Bob fan, but when these cats play around town, they don't hoot and holler or yodle like you hear on the radio or CMA shows.
Can't blame them either. After hours of broken hearts, and dogs dying, daddys rifle and pabst blue ribbon beer, it forces one to reconcile with themselves in a bar where they can cut loose.

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:42 pm
by Bud Weiser
emotive wrote: i don't use Mac and i DON'T make posts only to inflate my post count.
You wrote that line:
emotive wrote:
To my way of thinking, SB are like SC, there are no alternatives when you need certain features like chord editing for example and i know it's on Logic for Apple but Scope is not available on Mac.


Why did you when you don´t use Logic and Apple Mac ?

Now my next assumption:
You use Cubase or Nuendo and SCOPE on PC and blame Steinberg not to offer "chord editing" because Apple Logic offers that,- but on PC you cannot use Apple Logic except Logic version 5 w/ WinXP SP1 and 1GB of RAM only.

Where´s the difference ?

And,- comparing Steinberg w/ S|C is like comparing apples & oranges.
Steinberg,- in my hometown,- is a BIG company in a BIG building w/ lots of employees and there is lots of money in the background because there´s now Yamaha.

But Steinberg doesn´t manufacture hardware.
All hardware ever sold under Steinberg brand was 3rd party hardware always and that´s also the reason why we have never seen any 64Bit drivers for the VSL2020 card as also not "official" 64Bit drivers for the MIDEX series MIDI interfaces.
It´s simply because the VSL2020 is made by ESI and the MIDEX-8 and -3 came from ACCESS IIRC.
The "Houston" was made by Soundcraft.
Even the Steinberg ATARI hardware was made in UK by a company called Steinberg-Jones.

Steinberg leaved hardware customers in the dust and simply discontinued the hardware and driver support,- S|C never leaved the Creamware hardware and software users in the dust up to now.

When you look carefully what´s been manufactured & sold by S|C, actually that´s just only the XITE-1D and XITE-1, the software for these machines and the PCIexpress cable you need for XITE when using a laptop.
Less than a handfull optional devices come in addition.
All other stuff is 3rd party software.

You can carefully try comparing S|C and UAD,- but only because both companies manufacture DSP hardware devices using SHARCs and related software.
The main difference is, there are only FX plugins for Apollo or the Duo/Quad cards and no instruments.

Me as a keyboardplayer buyed a XITE-1 and SCOPE because of the vintage synth emulations, Modular and increased DSP power vs my old Creamware PCI card.
I had some originals of these synths in the past but sold ´em running out of room etc..

ALL Sonic Core devices run fine on a XITE-1 in 32Bit.
Only STS, WAVE driver and sequencer type devices have issues in 64Bit,- that´s not much.

When some 3rd party stuff doesn´t work propperly,- is that the fault of S|C ?

As a pure audio interface I like the XITE-1 very much because it sounds very good, especially when using it w/ good studio monitors and a good amp (yes, I use passive vintage speakers w/ a separate amp).
I also like the routing and SCOPE 5.1 and ASIO driver is dead on stable,- I never had a crash.
I also got 2 quality mic pres and DIs w/ the box and a lot of (good sounding) mixers, dynamics and FX as well as stable MIDI and extremely low latency when running standalone and there are all the analog and digital I/Os working perfect.

And yes, I´d appreciate if there were much more improvements and features NOW,- just because I´d appreciate that for everything else in my life too,- but it didn´t happen until now and that´s what I have to accept ´til times change.
So what´s the fuss ?

Did you buy a XITE now ?
If not, what do you have to accept except having no XITE available ?
Did you help S|C by buying new hardware or are you just only that kind of guy using the old hardware and buying EUR 99.- NSA deals ?

What do you think how all the development costs and hireing additional coders should be payed ?
From selling a few hundered XITE- boxes and selling some NSA deals as well as some 3rd party plugins,- yes ?

You already use gear from a niche product company and have the luck to get support ´til today for the old hardware and even it is officially discontinued.
Be happy about that and if that´s not enough, sell your old niche product hardware w/ the software and go the "modern way" whatever that will be for the future.


Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:08 pm
by Bud Weiser
neuromantik wrote: ... but mostly what I'm referring to is partnerships with other sw houses like Cycling's integration of Max w/ Ableton in order to be able to provide complete solutions rather than "this is my way or the highway" integrations.
For me, it´s hard to comment on this because I have no clue what S|C already tried to get rolling in regards of partnerships.
I´m just only a user ...
But I know, for a partnership you need TWO and when there is no "partner" in sight actually, there´s also no "ship" (so to speak) :D

But S|C licensed Copperlan which might be a partnership and there´s the partnership w/ J.B. Synth Design when it comes to manufacturing the Solaris synth.
I´d call that some kind of partnership too.

If other DAW software manufacturers are willing to jump on the XITE-based DSP train or not is up to them.
Don´t expect a Yamaha supported company like Steinberg would jump on that train because Yamaha wants to sell the hardware for the Cubendo train.
Presonus also wants to sell their own hardware and Cakewalk has the Roland partnership.

Not too many options left when it comes to find a financially potential and well known as also in the market well established partner, especially when it´s all about hi end pro audio gear for the professional.

You´d find all kind of partners for the cheapo mass product marketing w/ ease,- but not for products for professional musicians.

Look at Yamaha and what they do,- motorcycles, fridges, all kind of other stuff and the pro audio is just only a small segment in their palette of products.
They don´t make their money w/ pro audio at all.
neuromantik wrote: Personally I'm not holding my breath for Parseq anymore,...
I never did,- at least for my life because I´m 59 now, made music my entire life and know very well how much time investment is necessary to code a halfway propper functional DAW application.
Just calculate about 10 years.
The 2 biggest companies do it since the pioneer times in the 80s and still implement new stuff and update/upgrade.
It will never end.
There are no finished products in the software industry existing, only unfinished products receiving updates and upgrades and discontinued products.
The feature-set of the well known DAW apps like Logic and Cubendo is so massive, any new DAW application product will need extremely fast development to come halfway on par.
In fact we see 2 of these "new" DAW products,- Reaper and Presonus Studio One which both grew very fast.
The newest is possibly Bitwig but I don´t have it, so don´t know what´s up with it.

Nonetheless, Logic and Cubendo offer some features we still will wait years for to get in Studio One or Reaper,- and in these years,- Logic and Cubendo move on too ... :D

You might be surprised,- but I really appreciate I can use SCOPE standalaone w/ everything out there and for the price I cannot render directly, just only record in realtime,- but it works.
Before I record something, I know what I do,- I´m not that trial ´n error guy.
That makes it easier for me dealing w/ limitations because I already learned that in the past when doing big productions w/ only one or two 24-track reel-to-reel MTRs. We´re talking mono tracks here.
I´m an arranger,- I plan a production and I have my sheets when I record.
A tune is in my head long before I power up my DAW.

With ParseQ, when appearing, we´d go thru endless times of debugging and discussions,- and I only want to make music and do my work,- not beta testing and s##t ! :lol:

I occasionally test 3 native working plugins for a friend´s small company,- that´s all I want to test.
neuromantik wrote: Honestly who here wouldn't use Reason if it could be powered by SCOPE DSPs?
I use Reason and I´m still on version 6.5.
It´s not all about if it runs on DSPs or not, there´s more Reason doesn´t offer compared to other DAW apps.
I mainly use it as an instruments and FX rack rewired to a VST host and didn´t dive deep into it´s sequencer up to now.
In a song, can we do signature changes now ?
neuromantik wrote: ... so I guess I like seeing things work nicely together
I´d call that harmony addiction ... :D :lol:
neuromantik wrote: I don't care about 32 vs 64bit.
Perfect !
neuromantik wrote: However I already have a legacy P4 AGP XP machine with my old PCI cards (which I consider an outboard synth/fx machine),
Too much info. AGP what ? 4x ?
If yes,- amazing, I have 2 of these ! :lol:
neuromantik wrote: ... and I was hoping that when I acquired the Xite in 2012 that I could use my more modern workstation which was running cubase4 + kontakt (all 32bit) but on the 64bit OS the PC came installed with. It really is simply a convenience thing, nothing concrete. I could end up purchasing just a 32bit version of Win7 or 8 since the latter is no longer in production and all would be working, it's just that in my inexperienced hobbyist mind it seems like a bit of a regression I don't know. I mean even the NM editor (which is a 32bit app) works on Win7x64 (because of the 64bit drivers).
My dream is,- I have only ONE machine and it does it all,- no kidding.
So, I understand all the demands,- not only your´s but also these from other´s,- but unfortunately it doesn´t exist yet and eventually will never happen.

But what holds you back from using XITE-1 and SCOPE 5.1 w/ a 64Bit Windows and together w/ other audio/MIDI related application on your machine when deciding for not using the STS sampler, the WAVE driver and some step sequencer stuff (which I never used anyway) and the ZARG synths loading samples ?

In fact, when I decide using SCOPE/XITE in a 64Bit system, for me it´s the easiest to use the SCOPE PCI card in a 2nd machine and w/ a 32Bit system and run sampler(s) and the other stuff mentioned above on that machine/card.
I have keys for the smaller ZARG synths for both the PCI card and XITE-1 anyway.

I´d be forced not to use ZARG Solaris v5, Quantum Wave and Rotor EX w/ some polyphony, strictly monophonic instead what I regret,- but that´s not the deal breaker or is it ?


Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:15 pm
by emotive
SB makes the ASIO specification, it is for SC (and others) to follow. Cubase does have Chord editing as well as drum mapping so logic has little advantage other than the "environment" but Scope sounds better than a native mixer even just mixing to stereo so what more is there to say..

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:16 pm
by dante
..say you'll buy it :)

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 8:50 pm
by emotive
dante wrote:..say you'll buy it :)
if there's a special sure, but not at the current exchange rate and besides the broken scope devices i'm not sure as to the details of how many can be run in a single system, nor being able to purchase additional cards.

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:30 pm
by garyb
if the XITE isn't worth every penny for exactly what it DOES do, then i don't know what is.
i mean, if it's not in the budget, well, that's that. it's not everpriced by any means. perhaps if it was priced stupidly like certain products made by A---, pecifically P---, then i'm sure that the folks using it would find it indespensible and everyone would dream of owning it just as it is. look at Paris users. maybe the price should go up, i mean it's only the price of two 15dsp cards new. it's definitely more expensive to make than two 15 dsp cards...

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 1:31 am
by dawman
Bud, there's no longer Cakeland products.
Roland bailed on them, not sure who bought the software.
But they sure seemed to take some of the sequencers tricks and apply them to the little interface/sequencer on some Roland synth that allowed mic and instrument lines in for 8 tracks of audio, and their MIDi sequencer also built in is the best hardware sequencer for stage rigs from what I hear.

Not to change this boring topic, just comment on certain cacklings.

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 6:12 am
by Bud Weiser
emotive wrote:SB makes the ASIO specification,...
Yes, Charlie Steinberg does, he´s the ASIO guy.
emotive wrote: Cubase does have Chord editing as well as drum mapping so logic has little advantage other than the "environment" but Scope sounds better than a native mixer even just mixing to stereo so what more is there to say..
Emotiv,- really, what sense do your posts make ?
Please explain why you mentioned Cubase, Logic and the "Chord Editor" in the context of SCOPE XITE as also in the context of Logic running on a Mac only WHEN Cubase as well as Logic both have the Chord Editor anyway.

What do you miss in SCOPE now,- the Chord Editor ??? :-? :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Meanwhile I more and more DON´T understand what you´re complaining about.

B.t.w.,- I know Michael Michaelis from a meeting I had in regards of another software project in 2003,- so I visited his blog which is unfortunately only in german,- but here´s the link:

I translate line #2:

"Der „Chord Assistant” erlaubt es auch jenen Usern, die von Musiktheorie nichts wissen (oder wissen wollen), Akkordfortschreitungen zu finden, wo sie zuvor die „Fachleute” – etwa den Gitarristen oder Keyboarder in ihrer Band – fragen mußten."

That means in general,-
"for a user lacking knowledge of music theory, the chord assitant enables finding chord progressions w/o the need asking qualified personel, p.ex. the guitar- or keyboardplayer in the band". :lol:

O.k.,- when such feature like the Chord Editor is SOOOOOOOOOO important for you,- my 3rd assumption is, you´re a (eventually very young) amateur musician w/o knowledge about music theory, eventually also w/o knowledge about other recording and mixing related theory, don´t have XITE-1D or XITE-1, but come to a forum of mostly advanced users of formerly Creamware and S|C hardware and software and type endless and senseless posts.
When we talk about SCOPE and XITE,- any featuritis-talk about native VST host applications belongs to the "OFF-TOPIC" thread, you know.

Please understand that our interest here is help and that´s what you get.
We explain what XITE is for us, what works and what works not,- isn´t that cool ?

I think it´s all said now.
Make your decision, buy something,- regardless what it will be,- or pass.

B.t.w.,- there was a "Special" for the XITE w/ SCOPE 5.1 and the SDK5 some time ago.
I don´t know if that will be come back or if there will be a new special when SCOPE 6 will be released.

Buy it NOW and deal w/ the few disadvantages or wait/hope for what will come in future.

For me, 18 month ago, the decision was not that difficult because I have rooms full hardware instruments and outboard gear I payed for in the past ...
When I think about what only ONE polyphonic hardware synth like the Prophet 5 cost new in the past, the XITE-1 incl. all devices is a bargain anyway,- and a much better formfactor in addition,- and it needs much less power and service.

But yes, when you compare it w/ the cheaper audio cards and cheap (or freeware) VST/AU plugins,- then a payment for XITE-1 is an investment.

When you compare it w/ one of the modern hardware synth workstations like the KORG Kronos X 88, the price is similar depending on where you buy.


Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 6:57 am
by Neil B
I'm sorry guys, but I wasn't really concentrating.
Can you just go through it again please?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, there is NO BETTER than Scope - end of story.
If like me you can't afford an Xite at the moment, get something simple as a stop gap, and start saving your money up. It's worth every penny/cent/whatever currency you deal in.
The guys here know my trusty Pulsar 2 card is no more & I'm saving up. (I'm a Cubase user BTW)
What can I say to convince you? After 4 months, I am really missing My Pulsar card, my Scope and I can't wait to get an Xite.

Gary is right - if the problem is budget (like me), so be it, and we all understand that problem.
If it's a toss up between Xite or something else, then there is no contest. Save up for one, buy one or withdraw humbly.
These guys have gone out of their way to explain it all to you. It's decision time (and I would dearly like the temperature to drop by a few degrees around here).
A lot of the guys here aren't getting any younger and their blood pressure is at an all time high. :D

Seriously, if you can afford it, you will not be disappointed. Yes, there is a learning curve, as there is with anything, but that path is a fun one to take. And all these guys are the ones that will stop you from stumbling.
If you imagine that Sonic Core is a location, this is the bar where everybody chats & sorts things out. You will need the members here as friends.

Time to choose

Re: Is Sonic Core still alive

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 8:27 am
by dante
If you can't afford XITE-1, then get XITE1-D and be happy you got the absolute latest.