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Re: Brexit

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:17 pm
by dawman
I feel for ya' brotha' man...
But I went through this during Nuclear Bomb drills in 1st Grade.
For years our teachers/parents told us we were at ground zero because of the Defense Industry hub where I grew up.
McDonnell Douglas, General Dynamics, Emerson Electric, Monsanto, US Steel, DuPont, etc.

I would ask my dad why do we practice this everyday if the desk at school can't stop the Nuclear explosion.
And Dad why don't you have a bomb shelter, etc.

He said I asked too many questions...
So I am so use to hearing we are going to die it no longer has an effect.

But drugs do play an important role.
If this shit hits the fan I will snort mescaline and Cocaine mixed.
That way when my times up I will be OK.
Hell if I see a mushroom cloud in Nashville I'll snort the whole table top off.
Nothing pisses me off more than high winds blowing my rails off into the carpet.

OTOH fear is a great musical motivator....

Re: Brexit

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 6:05 pm
by Nestor
Thank you for your good humor of always brother man Dawman! :D That is really you! :) That makes me happy :)

After thinking and pondering about the words of Darkrasin for a while (which have definitely touched me), these facts have made me think…

After giving these ideas a good moment of insight, I say let us “move on” for a few months.

If my words written over the last years and these two first months of 2017 show signs of becoming a reality, I will come back to say something about it, otherwise, I will wait until it happens. I see there are people in distress. Well, this is not something I would ever enjoy witnessing. But…, I make it very clear now, that I do believe in every future happening I have predicted that it would come to be, and that most of you misunderstood my intentions in the first place. I have not even been asked which exactly my intentions are when speaking about all these kind of things, even if I have suggested it several times in a shy way. I would never enjoy pissing you off and this is certain!

Yes, let us move on into anything else meanwhile, let us enjoy music, technology, etc., for the time being, and when the right time, the time of the amazment comes to be, we will be in touch again about all these things.

My very best wishes to everybody! :wink:

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:25 am
by dawman
And same to you Nestor.

In all honesty I'm more concerned about all of my Drug connections being deported by ICE.

When an American citizen can no longer self medicate and forced to pay Pharmacuetical Companies a fee to escape reality it's a sad day.

OTOH ASCAP/BMI threats to my gym for fees to play music caused them to stop playing music.
I no longer have to wear hearing protection from Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and GaGa.

So nature always finds a balance.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 4:44 am
by Nestor

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:29 am
by dawman
Here's something for inspirational value........

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:03 pm
by siriusbliss
We'll see if the Drumpfster is able to drain the swamp of all the neocon/neoliberal/socio-fascist war-mongering, back-stabbing, pedophile assholes in our guberment, but someone <ahem> will probably try to kill him first.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:02 pm
by dawman
What a crazy election though.
A mad man with a plan of crashing the system, against a candidate under criminal investigation.
Only in the Wild West..

Speaking of West watch those sliding trees and sinkholes.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:45 am
by pastor
"you look at what happened last night in Sweden.. SWEDEN!"
From Trumps last fantasy speach. Here's what happened. ... -president

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 6:34 am
by dawman
Forget about those girly men, where's the Swedish babes...?

My buddies are telling me the Hispanic babes usually keep to themselves but since ICE starting sending folks back the girls are all friendlier.
There's no better sex than a woman immigrant seeking citizenship...

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:32 am
by roy thinnes
forget about Swedish babies..
in this -formerly lovely- country last friday an Isis moose raped a moose lady three!!! times in a row, as POTUS thankfully told us in his last speech.
ok it happened last autumn but nevertheless its a mess

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:47 am
by pastor
You know your country is going down the drain when your møøse must resort to wooden models.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:08 am
by roy thinnes
probably he thought
wood the f*ck - wood is good!
Donald, please save us from this mess :x

Re: Brexit

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 10:09 am
by dawman
LoL.... :lol:

The God King had his georgeous wife say the Lords Prayer before the Florida Rally.
Smart move, use the georgeous model with the sexy accent to curry favor with the Almighty..

I feel so relieved that God is on our side again.
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Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:35 am
by dawman
I live in constant fear my Latina Mother n Law might get deported.

She lives at 1686 West 12th street.
Gets home around 10pm every night.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 6:13 am
by pastor

Re: Brexit

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 2:44 pm
by dawman

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:06 am
by Sounddesigner
The Netherlands go to the Election polls today and the populist candidate who wants to exit the EU was winning in the forecast polls but has lost his lead/momentum I think so he may not pull it off. If he does win then the Netherlands probably will be heading out the EU as well. We shall get some of the actual Election poll results tonight. There seems to be conflict arising between the Netherlands and Turkey also.

Yesterday Britain took its first step twards leaving the EU. Britain is estimated to have the 5th biggest economy in the world and the 5th most powerfullest military (might be even lower and better than 5th) so losing the UK is no small loss. Their economic might and territory is great. France is the only other Neuclear power war-machine in the EU now that Britain is gone and Germany is the economic power-house.

Every since Trump has been President the US Stock Market has been booming and the February jobs report was very good and far better than expected and we had added MANY good paying jobs such as construction and manufacturing both of wich had been disappearing.

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:21 am
by dawman
Fascinating times we are in.
Germany will be fine but no more bail outs for those vacation spots in the Med.
Trump is starting to look as a decent leader with a non political cabinet.
Just getting things done.
Somebody "leaked" his taxes, he pays a higher percentage than most people.
MSNBC anchor looked like an idiot starved for ratings.
She led her Sheep through hours of anticipation just to find out Trump was a straight shooter tax wise.
Hell I thought she was suppose to be part of the Meritocrasy group, everybody gives each other achievement awards.
More like participation trophys.
She's a Rhodes scholar.
I think she's a buffoon.
I'm a Rhodes scholar though.
Lugged one of those heavy bastards around for years, actually learned how to play it too.
Now I use Keyscapes LA Custom zeros and ones. Sounds alright.

These folks should have never let schooling get in the way of a good education....

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:41 pm
by dante
My 97 year old step dad is a London Echo Chamber of Commerce Scholar

Re: Brexit

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:11 pm
by dawman
So he wants to send Troops into Scotland?