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Re: Brexit

Post by Fluxpod »

I cant figure this out. Do you Trump supporters really believe what you write or are you just fucking with us. :lol:
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Re: Brexit

Post by garyb »

well, he's serious.
he's a serious stand up comic. ankyu...

Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

Interesting development, travel ban temporarily stopped. Trumps twitter will be awesome this weekend :) ... 62406.html
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

I want GaGa to be all calm and perform well as she is talented, really like the gal.
Then go off on Trump during the Superbowl.

Americans get along better when we beat the shit out of each other, then become freinds for another week or so, get drunk and do it again...
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Re: Brexit

Post by garyb »

well, that's all fine, but this "ban" is exactly the same kind of executive order that Obama and Clinton both made. 5 of the 7 countries that were temporarily(90 days) banned were on Obama's own list of terrorist hotbed countries. there has never been a "Muslim Ban", but the name sounds more news-worthy than "temporary travel ban".

i'm not really a fan of executive orders, but it's funny how butthurt the world suddenly became over "business as usual". how is this any different than previous bans of Cuba and China?
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Re: Brexit

Post by yayajohn »

i think Maria Carey should perform the national anthem for the superbowl and show the country how patriotic the super celebrity crowd is.

Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

From what i've read it's quite a bit different from the Obama action, which stopped people from using the Visa Waiver program. If they had a Visa, they could still enter. In trumps order, it did't matter if you had a green card, you were entering for business, tourism or seeking asylum. The ban of syrians "indefinatly" is also an addition, although he added that if you were of Christian religion you might be OK to enter.

on a side note, Trump also called for a muslim ban several times in his campaign (here's an example: ", but he moderated himself towards the end, as he was explained in might not be constitutional, a quite a few did't like the tone of it.

On a far more comical note, you are far more likely to die by falling out of your bed than being killed by an islamic terrorist in the US.
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Re: Brexit

Post by garyb »

people with visas can STILL enter. there was confusion when it was first implemented and people with visas were held up. from all avcailable signs, most or all of those who were held up have now been admitted. there IS extra vetting to be sure that the people are who they say that they are, but this isn't so unusual in a warm-war situation either.

Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

So there is "no problem" entering US from Iran or Syria for business or tourism now, with regards to Visa? The order states the following:

"To temporarily reduce investigative burdens on relevant agencies during the review period described in subsection (a) of this section, to ensure the proper review and maximum utilization of available resources for the screening of foreign nationals, and to ensure that adequate standards are established to prevent infiltration by foreign terrorists or criminals, pursuant to section 212(f) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1182(f), I hereby proclaim that the immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of aliens from countries referred to in section 217(a)(12) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1187(a)(12), would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and I hereby suspend entry into the United States, as immigrants and nonimmigrants, of such persons for 90 days from the date of this order (excluding those foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 visas)."

(on a side note, a former norwegian PM was held up for hours, because his diplomatic passport showed he'd been in Syria in 2014, so airport personnel certainly has a hard time reading orders)

The "Obama Ban" from 2011 didn't refuse entry of refugees though, as far as i can understand, they were allowed admission during the 6 month period.
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

This is a way to have attention and send a message a new Sheriffs in town.

He doesn't sit back and respond he doesn't wait to be tested, he is testing.

When your surrounded its wise to attack.
Targets in every direction....
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Re: Brexit

Post by garyb »

the problem with refugees is that they are totally undocumented.
for right or wrong, many of those people may be quite hostile. the "ban" is to allow more time to vet identities. that's why it's for 90 days and not permanent.

it's not that i agree with the action.
it's that the action has been reported inaccurately.

i DO agree with the idea that ex-US soldiers and US citizens who are currently homeless and living like refugees in their own country should be aided FIRST.

i also agree with the idea that the US should NOT be funding groups like "ISIS"(ISIL, both names are phony) and Al Caeda, and that the US should NOT be destabilizing the region, so that refugees don't exist and the people there can live their lives normally. Europe and the US have made this mess(yes, Europe, including NATO and Russia). the so-called "Muslim Brotherhood" that all "radical Islam" is part of was formed by Nazi Germany to fight the rest of Europe's interests in the Balkans and Middle East. after WW2, it was funded by the newly-formed CIA, using Nazi operatives who became US agents...
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

When people provide charts or poll results it's usually because they want to "educate" you with their cause.
I've never believed in polls or charts much.

Hillary probably wishes she didn't either..

Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

Well atleast they tried their best :D

Oh, this one is hillaryous too :)
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Re: Brexit

Post by garyb »

yep, those are good.
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

Trump telling Nancy she's got a nice figure kills me...
For a 78 year old gal she is pretty hot..

It's just whenever she speaks she has that wide eyed look like the Hindenburg is falling on her.

Love the lip service though..
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

Fluxpod wrote:I cant figure this out. Do you Trump supporters really believe what you write or are you just fucking with us. :lol:
FWIW Can't speak for other Scopers here but I'm not a Trump supporter in the sense I wanted him to win.
I enjoyed watching him destroy politicians, and figured Americans would play it safe with the NeoCon Soros/Saudi/Wall Street Queen,
But now that Trump won as an American I must support him, even though I haven't liked anyone since old man Bush.
Something about people who served like Kennedy and Bush Sr. actually in harms way gives them pause using the military, but then when using destroy the enemy.
Not measured response girly man shit, crush the bastards so others see your resolve.

Folks not having served are usually the ones doing these failing regime change adventures and promise to fight on until the last drop of your blood.

Trump is going to boom our economy and hopefully leave us alone.
Not a big fan of Liberals wanting to help me.
They never do.
Just look at the last 8 years. I was fortunate to be in Nevada where's theres no taxes.
I could buy gear, jagermeister, drugs, hookers and house payments.
The rest of the country suffered under Liberals "helping" them.
I almost had to return to drinking at gay bars to save up for Solaris because the drinks are free.

Look at Africa, the Middle East and anywhere these idiots tried to help and there's nothing but destruction.
Liberals are history now, and instead of getting nothing done with 2 equally balanced parties we get another super majority who like to act like God has returned.

I don't give a fuck anymore as long as the economy does well.
Life without wine women synths and songs is a drag.

Let me save up for a Relic 6 and I don't care if they bring back prayers to school.
I might even start going to confession.

Praise The Lord...
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Re: Brexit

Post by dante »

Love the color bars on the R6 - kinda like a ribbon controller in reverse ? Anyway I wish the 'kid' best success not just coz his design rocks but he has based it on history well before his time which kinda pays homage to his forebears and at the same time brings it into modern times - not with completely digital circuitry but with transistors !!

Now all we need is for an smart arse 8 year old to come up with a tube moog...... :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brexit

Post by dawman »

Hope I can assist in his future....
He's got a slight ego too.
I like that.
Folks like that kid find a way.
No or I can't is not in his vocabulary.....

Re: Brexit

Post by pastor »

I reccomend everyone to stop by trumps twitter from time to time, whether you agree with him or not it is a great source of comedy.
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Re: Brexit

Post by Nestor »

Guys, too long to comment on what is going on in Europe with the migrants right now, far too many cases to base my words on, but in a simple sentence we can say: IT IS A DISASTER!!! The NWO is dismantling “peace” in this region so to control it with ease. And they will be forced to do it soon because it is a mess and it is becoming worse and worse week after week, and worst of all, instate of stopping this problem by not allowing more of these people into Europe, they bring more and more migrants full of hatred for people they don’t even know, and cultures they do not understand or appreciate… If migrants were, at its very least, grateful…, but they feel they belong there and deserve everything while returning chaos, hatred, rape, and a disgusting way of behaving in the streets. It is so sad to see this! For those of you who know Europe, you know how wonderful culture used to be all over its countries, every corner has something to teach you, every corner of it: full of art, philosophy, people that have changed the world in the most positive ways, scientists, composers, amazing musicians, thousands of places to enjoy performances live with the best sound, wonderful writers and so forth! To me, it was clear from the first moment WHY these criminals would bring together cultures that everybody would easily know will go bad together, they knew perfectly well they will definitely clash against each other. I have said that even a 15 years old boy would tell you this, so obvious it is. Well, now you can see how politicians speak about this extremely serious problem, what they do, and what the media does also and you are done! You don’t loner need to do any research to understand it! Now you know this is “A PLAN ON PURPOSE” from those in charge of the world to control the masses and imposes their will. Yes, they are planning and preparing civil wars everywhere, so to bring up the police state they so much long for.

In the other hand, be aware that YOUR MIND is under attack every day in the news, they want to infect you with hatred as well, so you are full of abhorrence against migrants and the Muslim world, yes, the bigger the problem, the faster they will get to control people in the streets.

Now, if you get serious about Islam and study their ancient knowledge with care, you will discover it is more than wonderful, like for instance, all the mathematical wonders you can find among the Sufis, expressed as philosophical problems, amazing symmetric structures and draws, delightful poems which are about the most delicate and beautiful you can find in the world, amazing geometry and particularly an astounding depth in the use and understanding of trigonometry. The same ignorance they have about European Cultures, we have in most cases and countries, about the Islamic Cultures as well. Islam has been manipulated and disgracefully used for many, many decades now, in the hands of the western powers that dominate the earth, poor peole! We should not be fooled by the way modern politicians and social strategists use all of this.

There are bad people everywhere, not just among those in the Islamic religion, otherwise, how can we explain such a level of degeneration going on today, look at the Catholic priests, they are the most promiscuous people on earth, but not with adults, no…, with children! There is no other institution or group of people in the whole world with more pedophilia going on behind the scenes, than the Catholic Church.
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