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Re: Modules Pack SAL

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:27 am
by Bud Weiser
fra77x wrote: //You can use the DSP Load and your intuition. It's not complicated, it's straightforward. If a device-module is forced to load on a specific dsp then it loads on that one. If it can't loads (doesn't fits) it will pop a dsp error.
Yes, that´s what I know and what I do,- but it would be an improvement when having better visual control about DSP placement,- especially when a project is already re-loaded and the "auto-optimize" algo had done it´s work,- the work it always does when loading a project.

In addition, it´s not only me,- there are more users and potential buyers out there who´d like it simpler.
Not all users want to learn reading cryptic DSP meters, you know,- they want selecting a device from the SCOPE pulldown menue, throw it into a project, drag the cables and see it working instead dealing w/ all kind of weird messages.
When we had info which devices went to whatever DSPs after a formerly saved project is loaded again,- it would be much easier deciding how to assign next devices coming into that project.
fra77x wrote: //The most important is to understand that communication between dsps costs in communication channels but several devices loaded on a single dsp cost NO communication.
I understand very well what you´re talking about,- but the average user/musician is not a developer and all he wants to do is paying money for a system and using it.
No one can expect the average user wants to learn what happens under the hood of DSP powered devices,- I do because I have lots of technical interest and you do because you develop devices,- but the average Joe doesn´t.
fra77x wrote: //When scope ask to "optimize the project" always press cancel. And delete the last module you added.
Good advice, because I normally click O.K. and NOT CANCEL when the system asks if I want optimization of my project.
It´s nowhere in the manual and what BS it is when I click o.k. and from that point cannot remove anything anymore, nothing gets optimized and the s##t simply freezes for 2 minutes or such until I´m able to cancel the process and remove device.

We also need more or less unified devices for XITE-1.
When loading ZARG NSA devices,- I already get all kind of messages and popups because the devices look for data in folders which doesn´t exist on my machine.
There is simply no SFP on drive C because I have SCOPE 5.1 32Bit for XITE and it is impossible to change path in the ZARG devices.
Some presets request files which aren´t present in any zip package I downloaded for the installations, even not in these Jhulk offered later for download from his dropbox,- and I don´t mean the thing-A and thing-B samples which are in my samples folder but not under SFP on drive C.
fra77x wrote: //What means to optimise the project? It means that the algorithm will seek for any devices that are NOT assigned manually to some specific dsp, and try to assign these in a different manner so to find space for the module you last inserted. Manually assigned modules are not affected by "optimization" . These always stay where there should.
I hope that´s correct and wonder why I cannot see p.ex. greyed out DSPs in the manual assignment pulldown DSP menu when a DSP is saturated already.

In fact, when a project is reloaded and I want to bring in more devices and assign manually,- it would be great help recognizing already occupied DSPs in this pulldown menue.
fra77x wrote:
//With proper manual assigning of the devices and organized interconnection between devices (connected group of devices at the same dsp and fewer traveling of signals between different dsps i.e by using submixers) you will first run out of windows space and "brain cycles" than from communication channels and dsp power.
I hope so ... :lol:
fra77x wrote: //It does always. At least the last 3000000 times i checked that.
Thx, good news !
fra77x wrote: //Always press cancel to the "optimize dsps " window. Then try to find with manual assigning the one that works.

Thank you,- John !



Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:13 am
by fra77x

Re: Modules Pack SAL

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:30 am
by petal
Ahhhhhh so now I think I get it - You should treat your Xite as if it is a woman.

Re: Modules Pack SAL

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:50 am
by fra77x

Re: Modules Pack SAL

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:03 am
by neuromantik
Bud Weiser wrote: In addition, it´s not only me,- there are more users and potential buyers out there who´d like it simpler.
Not all users want to learn reading cryptic DSP meters, you know,- they want selecting a device from the SCOPE pulldown menue, throw it into a project, drag the cables and see it working instead dealing w/ all kind of weird messages.
I understand very well what you´re talking about,- but the average user/musician is not a developer and all he wants to do is paying money for a system and using it.
No one can expect the average user wants to learn what happens under the hood of DSP powered devices,- I do because I have lots of technical interest and you do because you develop devices,- but the average Joe doesn´t.
Thank you couldn't have said it better! :) DSP resource distribution algorithms != music/mixing/mastering

Re: Modules Pack SAL

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:16 am
by dawman
Love the Chorus w/ SDRAM to death fra77z..... :wink:
I guess having the parameters you choose to get access to like sample delay made the difference.
As I said STW Chorus, Flu-Liq, Master Chorus, and Nuetrons ADT are great, and while the Synths w/ chorus are OK for some patches they don't provide the parameters for adjustment that I consider vital.
This chorus is meant for synths.
The most transparent Chorus I have now, perfect for synthwork.


Re: Modules Pack SAL

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 4:12 am
by fra77x

Re: Modules Pack SAL

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:42 pm
by Sounddesigner
Wow! Great tips fra77x. Glad i found this thread. Will try some of the recommendations in my 96khz projects. That was a impressive amount of Asio channels you are able to get. Thanks for the modules! And glad to see you're still a SCOPE developer, best wishes!

Re: Modules Pack SAL

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:55 pm
by jksuperstar
Hi John,

I'm not sure if this is an appropriate place to make a request.

Do you have ModIV? And is it possible to make the TapeDelay module using SDRAM on XITE? I beleive this module requires Host RAM right now, since it has both x86 and x64 files that go along with the .mdl file.

I guess if nothing else, I can try to use your new Delay256K(SDRAM) as a building block to make a tape delay from scratch. But I think getting all the character of the TapeDelay module would be excellent, especially if it removes any need for connections to the host ram and maintains smooth delay changes & pitch shifts.

Thanks for any consideration!

Re: Moduut

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:56 am
by FrancisHarmany
Where can I find the Masterverb-XVV module ??

Re: Modules Pack SAL

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:05 pm
by Bud Weiser
dawman wrote:Love the Chorus w/ SDRAM to death fra77z..... :wink:
I guess having the parameters you choose to get access to like sample delay made the difference.
As I said STW Chorus, Flu-Liq, Master Chorus, and Nuetrons ADT are great, and while the Synths w/ chorus are OK for some patches they don't provide the parameters for adjustment that I consider vital.
This chorus is meant for synths.
The most transparent Chorus I have now, perfect for synthwork.

Wow, missed that post ...

How to get that chorus device using XITE SDRAM ?

Because I posted in this tread before I thought I have it but cannot find on my machine.
What was the exact device name ?



Re: Moduut

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:34 pm
by dawman
Its a package of devices.
The Master Verb using SDRAM is also in there too.

I made so much money selling SALs PRJ Preset List to guys here I can afford to give this one away for nothing as long as SAL says its cool.....

Re: Moduut

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:24 am
by fra77x2
Please do, no prob here

Re: Moduut

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:55 am
by FrancisHarmany
Dawman whats the hold up ? I'm waaaaiiiitinnngggg...... :lol:

Re: Moduut

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:43 am
by dawman
I got 7 PCs to dig through.

Re: Moduut

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:50 am
by dawman
SHIT............... :x

Can't find them.
Been using TC Fireworx Pitch Shifter and lost my SDK Folder.
Checked under Fra77x SDK Modular and thjankfully have those still since I use the ADSR snappy bastard.

Somebody please hook us up........


Re: Moduut

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:35 am
by mausmuso
I think those devices came in a 'free devices' zip file around May 2014.
Search for a package called 'SAL'.
They are in there.

Re: Moduut

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:11 am
by dawman
He changed the name to protect the innocent... :lol:

Re: Moduut

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:21 am
by jksuperstar
I couldn't find my original download, so I zipped up the two devices I knew were in it: Masterverb and Chorus, both modified to use XITE SDRAM, rather than Host RAM.

Only works on XITE-1 or XITE-1D due to requirement for SDRAM. All thanks to fra77/x2/John/SAL for these enhancements on S|C's devices.

Re: Moduut

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:33 pm
by Bud Weiser
jksuperstar wrote:... I zipped up the two devices I knew were in it: Masterverb and Chorus, both modified to use XITE SDRAM, rather than Host RAM.
Thanks a lot !

