XTC Error Solved!!!

Discuss Scope XTC mode.

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Post by LHong »

Applogies about the misspelling of your name LHong...no offense intended.
No problems, Dan.
Keep in mind, we're all here try to help, we make no profits on Creamware products.

Say, if the only Compression bothers you on the automation capability, then you might take a look the Third party compressor devices like The Sonic Timeworks, Celmo or DADEV Master-Compressor, whatever has MIDI-IN/OUT Controls. This will work!
It does not mean that you do not need the Vinco, PSy-Q or Optimaster, I love them all. How about make a few custom presets, which will save it along with the Scope projects. Due to most of cases, we do not want to change (parameters) on fly during the Sessions or within same songs. Perhaps, each Mixer channels is (already) built-in an inserted soft-compressor anyway.

Good luck,

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LHong on 2005-08-10 10:20 ]</font>
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Post by Bifop »

Yes Dan, I'm an XTC enthusiast ! Actually I think I found a solution for the XTC+SFP idea. I'm thinking of adding a Pulsar II + Presonus LT preamp in another comp and link it through Adat to my Daw running Nuendo with Pulsar XTC + A16Ultra. This way I have a separate mixer for recording with Dsp effects on monitoring + summing box for final mixing. And I can always run a Modular III or Minimax If I want to... Best of both world.:smile:
I'm definately going to try the summing outside Nuendo to see what I gain.

Lhong, the sentence looks better with the missing word... :wink:
hum well it seemed I somehow misunderstood your thought then... Sorry for that.
The good side is that lots of valuable information emerge from that most of the time... :smile:


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Post by wayne »

Yep, i agree, 2nd machine is the solution.
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Post by AudioDan »

Hi Bifop, (and wayne)
Sounds like a plan. I think you'll like the difference in sound. I personally love my A16 Ultra too. Sounds great!!
I wish it would all work for me too, but unfortunately I've got the dual processor problem so XTC just won't work for me. If I keep the number of plugins waaaaaay down then the system remains stablish, but what's the point of having a 15 DSP booster and two Luna II's if you can't have 50 mono Vinco's, 3 Masterverb Pro's and an Optimaster all running at once eh? :wink:
I'm about to get my tax return and buy two UAD-1's so I'm moving into new rhelms. Still using my Creamware cards, but as I mentioned earlier, they're just I/O and the occasional "External FX" plugin. It's a shame, but unfortunately I don't think I'm going to be able to find a motherboard which will make XTC think that my two Xeon CPU's are only one CPU. I have a hunch that the ASUS motherboard and it's particular chipset may be exacerbating the problem. I'm thinking maybe an Intel board might be a bit more stable (might be able to trick XTC for a little longer) but it's too much money to just take a chance on and I've got other priorites at the moment.
Oh well....Let me know how you go with your two systems and what you think of the difference in summing sound.



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AudioDan on 2005-08-09 23:19 ]</font>
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Post by LHong »

Understood that.
People tend to need more than what the tool can provides? Whatever will take, the bottom line is making good music!

Good luck,
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Post by andrew »

hey audio dan - am also keen to see the pdf creamware sent u re setting up your computer for their cards.

could you email it to me or put it online somewhere ?


thanks mate

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Post by A13 »


I have got a lot of problems with my creamware, since i bought my core 2 duo+ p5b deluxe, before it was horrible, every day 2 or 3 times my computer freeze... after searching and searching, i found the solution, my motherboard has a FSB of 1066, and i was using corsair ddr2 800, then i change for patriot low latency ddr2 and now is much more stable, using both processor, maybe these can help you.

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