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Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:46 am
by katano
Ahh, thanks for the clarification.


Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:26 am
by jay09
Cool. Thanks for telling us about it.

Pret travaux

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:56 pm
by voidar
I can't get this to work.

I have three cards, one of them I have hooked up the pins as the picture shows.
While using a different driver than the Scope driver, all plugins load up fine, but I can see on the metering that nothing is processed. It is like only the GUI is present, and all audio is blocked.

I don't use pro tools or the RTAS wrapper, but I tried this in two hosts; Tracktion 3 and REAPER. REAPER becomes very unresponsive on loading an XTC plug. It is like playback won't start before a couple of seconds. But when loading more, responsiveness is back to normal.

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:04 pm
by voidar
Please. Has anyone got this working in RC 5???

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:06 pm
by voidar
I've contacted S|C on this, but they're probably very busy.

If anyone has any idea why I can't get this to work with my Apogee MiniMe then please shime in. I think the problem is that the DSP is not being clocked. I.e. I can load the instances in my host application; they show up with GUI and the interface works, but the DSP meter shows no activity. No sync or async is loaded. This is remiscent of a non clocked DSP. But why? I've hooked up the jumper and all.

BTW, I get the annoying "can't use sync plate in XTC-mode" error. It still resided when I unpluget the plate. I did not put any jumper there though. Is it possible I need to "jump" all (3) the cards? I am not at home ATM, so I will have to try tomorrow. I know the manual says there should either be a plug or plate there. A speck of hope ;)..

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:33 am
by pedrosalvado
Can someone tell me if the plugins use scope's dsp or the computer cpu with this method?

Thank you!

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:19 am
by pedrosalvado
stardust wrote:I think you mean the scope plugins.

If so the answer is that any scope plugin is using DSPs.
Keep in mind that there are always also some CPU cycles neede for GUI, I/O etc.
This holds for XTC mode as well, even if these plugins are visible as VST plugins in your VST host.

Your native plugins though like RTAS in PT or VST in other hosts are using CPU.
Ok, so even using the vst to rtas, the scope plugins used in pro tools will be do most of the "work" in scope's DSPs, right?

Can someone clarify the steps for making this work?

I have to do something to some pins in the scope card and then just wrap the scope vst plugins in vst to rtas? Is that all?

Thank you!

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:24 pm
by voidar
Yes, the processing will be on DSP. Some CPU is required for GUI and interfacing, but that is necessarily not only fo XTC mode.

Everything you need to know is posted in this thread and or related threads linked to in this one. Please re-read it.

You might also want to locate the "XTC patch guide", though it is not as relevant as when using a different I/O.

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:34 pm
by pedrosalvado
voidar wrote:Yes, the processing will be on DSP. Some CPU is required for GUI and interfacing, but that is necessarily not only fo XTC mode.

Everything you need to know is posted in this thread and or related threads linked to in this one. Please re-read it.

You might also want to locate the "XTC patch guide", though it is not as relevant as when using a different I/O.

Great! Thank you for your help.

I assume it's not difficult to identify the 2nd and 3rd pins on the card... Do I have to move a jumper already there or use a new one (I don't think I have any right now...), I ask this because I have my scope card in a friends studio or else I would check it out myself.

And thank you once again!

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:07 am
by voidar
There is a link in this thread to another thread with a picture. Shouldn't be to hard to identify.

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:15 pm
by Bifop
Yes, all links and info are in this thread. Just plug a jumper and short the recommended pins. No need to remove the back plate. It DOES work if you carefully follow the different steps.
On a modern machine, the cpu hit is barrely visible.

Sorry to be quite "absent" from this thread but I'm out of the web space at the moment (working on a music and visuals theatre creation in South America until end of january and I don't have access to an internet connection 24/24h here. But I'll check the thread whenever I can.

Voidar have you finally succeded (doing the multiple shorting) ?


Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:48 pm
by pedrosalvado
Thank you so much for all your help. =)

By the way... does anyone knows of any problems on doing this in a 2 x quad-core intel xeon mac pro (OSX 10.5.7)?

And on having 2 scope cards connected to each other, one with 4 DSPs and the other with 6 DSPs (in the same environment)?

Sorry if there's already something on this, but I couldn't find it for mac.

Thank you again!

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:25 pm
by Tau
I think the Mac Pro doesn't have PCI slots, only PCI-E.

You'll need an external PCI chassis, such as a Magma, or a Scope PCI-E solution, such as the XITE-1



Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:40 pm
by pedrosalvado
Tau wrote:I think the Mac Pro doesn't have PCI slots, only PCI-E.

You'll need an external PCI chassis, such as a Magma, or a Scope PCI-E solution, such as the XITE-1


Won't I get into hardware conflicts?

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:15 pm
by voidar
Bifop wrote: Voidar have you finally succeded (doing the multiple shorting) ?

Yes. It all worked when I shorted all the boards.


Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:45 pm
by voidar
Though now I have encountered a different problem. Using 3rd part hardware, loading two or more DSP plugins in serial will cause a strange problem. My CPU starts to spike and plugins report using ridiculous amounts of the CPU! The audible result also supports this. Dropouts gallore.
This effectively means you can not load a DSP channel insert and a DSP master insert.
I am on a P4.

This does not happen when loading DSP plugins in parallel. Neither does it happen when using the Scope ASIO driver, though then you are restricted to Scope hardware.

I'll report to S|C, but can anyone confirm this?

You can test this using ASIO4ALL with your horrible on-board audio device, though it definitely happens with any 3rd party driver/hardware.

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:54 am
by Janni
I'm also on P4 (HT disabled) and I think I can confirm (not sure...).
I get serious problems when I use DSP-Plugs on a channel AND one on the master (MultiFX with Optimaster loaded).
The system gets really sssllllloooooowwwww and it's almost impossible to drop midiclips on tracks.
Maybe I have to raise ULLI? (I'm on 64).

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:30 am
by voidar
Changing ULLI didn't help for me, but sure do try.
Are you getting audio drop-outs?

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:30 pm
by voidar
Guess what. I thought I had HT disabled, but your post made me curious so I just had to check. Turnes out it was enabled. So I disable HT..

The weird CPU peaks have gone now, instead my system just freezes upon pushing playback. I guess this makes sense as the CPU is digging into this task only and probably is left in some infinite loop. With HT there are other task, so it only shows "some" of the attention.

What is this crap.. ?

BTW, are you using the Scope ASIO driver or some other IO?

Re: Scope in xtc mode + Protools LE 7.3 WORKS !!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:05 am
by Janni
I'm using Scopes IOs (Scope Asio)...
I didn't do extrem testing... I had one audio track which sounded alright, scopefx worked.
After inserting the multi fx on the master, the system became too slow to work, so I just quit
and decided not to dig too deep into it, cause I wanna make music and not fiddle around... :D
I think we have the XTC mode right now, like it was in v4.5. If we are patient enough, we
will get some updates from SC and this will work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!