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Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 11:00 am
by Nestor
Good idea Ken! Particularly if you think that this bass line itself has been recorded too moody, I regret to have recorded it that way and not a bit clearer, but this is a good solution to give it some energy.

Posted: Mon May 27, 2002 8:20 pm
by Nestor
With great anxiety I’ve opened the file…


Well, my first impression is: VERY GOOD, INDEED! Very interesting, unexpected result as a whole.

I really like the drums, they are fantastic! I can imagine the sound in wav. They must be fabulous, very nice job Algo!

Love the harmony Paul, I new you would delight me with your staff, excellent job! What do you use for such a sound with your guitar? Could you tell me please?

Finally Ken, I love the structure idea; it’s amazing how you came out with a pattern intended as “end” using it as a rhythm. I thought it as an ending of the musical phrase, great!

I’m not sure about who’s done the synths and actually played it, but I like the sounds, they’re very warm!

Like my funky bass that was quite out of time for instance, there are a few things that should be probably remade anyway, what do you think? I would start by the tightness of the song itself. The funky part it’s a bit too loose so the groovy effect is lost.

The congas and the rhythm guitar are a bit out of time and both quite flat, playing with different natural accents, so the groovy loses energy. The “accents” played together, or balancing against each other, gives always much energy to a groovy. I think it’s extremely important there to keep the accents in place, or to create new accents against the ones already being played. I’m crazy about rhythms; it has been my first school so I pay lots of attention to accents, no doubt, as much as to harmony or melody.

So far I liked this first impression so much, to be the just the first work ever made together, that I feel totally inspired and want to go even further… I want to make a Audio CD with you publishing it for real. There is a record proposition here, in the Z, so let’s do the first album and there may be other groups on the Z. I think we can make a serious good job together. I promise to do my very best, playing my bass like never before! Stile? Our! The Z stile of music… :smile:

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 4:02 am
by paulrmartin
Hi Nestor.

Glad you like the parts I did.
I did most the keyboards you hear on the first mix.
I know Ken added a few parts(as well he should!)
I use a Line6 Pod 2 as a pre-amp for my guitar and just plug it directly into the Yamaha 01V mixer and Logic through the 1632 via ADAT.

Maket, where are you? Still with us? :wink:

PS: Delight you with my "staff"! This is a very funny typo. Nestor, you will want to write stUff from now on or people will start talking... :lol:
Paul R. Martin

I think I may get the hang of this after all!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: paulrmartin on 2002-05-28 05:05 ]</font>

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 1:59 pm
by Nestor
Gosh, what did I say!

Staff: employees, personnel, workers, workforce, team, I don’t think I wanted to say so…

Stuff: material, substance, matter, things, bits and pieces, possessions, belongings… well… that’s better.

Sorry Paul… :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue May 28, 2002 2:09 pm
by Nestor
The Pod, for bass, is the best piece of equipment you can get for bass sounds. I don´t have one myself, but I tryed one and they are fantastic, best suited for recording studios.

Your guitar sounds fantastic Paul. I guess you use a Crybaby or something like that as well, don´t you?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 3:58 am
by paulrmartin
No CryBaby here. I have the Pod Pedal board that has a wah included(CC#14)

By the way, Staff is also a stick, and is used pejoratively to describe the male sexual organ. So you can imagine what "Delight me with your staff" can mean... :lol:

Paul R. Martin

I think I may get the hang of this after all!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: paulrmartin on 2002-05-29 04:58 ]</font>

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 4:51 am
by borg

and i was always wondering when atomic and me are on the Z channel together, why he referred to you as paulieporn!


i'm gonna miss nestor saying 'staff'. it had something cute...

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 4:59 am
by paulrmartin

:lol: Good one Borg! :lol:

Posted: Wed May 29, 2002 7:39 am
by Nestor
Hope your wife is not going to read this thread... or I'll be in trouble here... Anyway man, the only stick I like from you that delights me, is the neck of your guitar that sounds fantastic, but in a clearly onomatopoeically way of speaking of course!!! :lol:

Mixing everything together, we could be really misunderstood: Cry baby, staff, delight…. Ulala… I’ve learned my lesson and from now on, STUFF is MY word! :lol:

Posted: Fri May 31, 2002 10:14 am
by Nestor
Maket, are you already doing the melody?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 12:37 pm
by maket
Hello friends! Well,maybe i'm wrong but i heared this composition and i don't think it's need any more melodies.
So i just waiting to hear your finished stuff
Congratulations friends! I think it's near finish!
Belive me i really think that more melodies will overload this.

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:29 pm
by kensuguro
well, musically speaking, I get your point. But there's always a way to stash it in the mix. :grin:

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:24 pm
by Nestor
I don’t agree with you Maket. I can easily imagine a melody on top of it all, with your guitar… But, of course, you have to feel the need for it. Up to you my friend. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 7:36 am
by paulrmartin
Maket, there is this japanese guy in this project who KNOWS how to mix. Integrating your melodies will certainly be child's play for him. Besides, taking out some of my parts is no problem at all :grin:

PLEASE! Record melodies that we may hear you in this project :smile:

Maybe you are afraid of the conflicting styles? Don't worry about it because your melodies may change the whole outlook of this piece

Paul R. Martin

I think I may get the hang of this after all!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: paulrmartin on 2002-06-02 09:45 ]</font>

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 9:39 am
by kensuguro
"KNOWS how to mix" hehehe..

Anyway, don't feel like you're confined to melodies only either. "add any sound or idea that you want to add" is probably more accurate.

If not? Maybe in another experimental tune then. It's not like there's this mystical force that's going to make you do it. hehe.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2002 1:32 pm
by Nestor
Yes, good idea Ken, cos Maket could do just anything. I thinkn we all want to cont on you cos you were from the beginning so nobody would like you out. I feel the song is still unfinished.

I think that Ken way of mixing is not just mixing, but sort of a creative structure mixing. Perhaps this was helped by the way we worked, in bloks of paterns.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 2:42 am
by maket
Hello Friends!Sanx for attention.
Well,i'll do something what i feel with plasure.I'm sure ,you find the way how to apply :smile:
Paul R. Martin wrote:"...Maybe you are afraid of the conflicting styles? "
I'm afraid how it looked now all(sorry guys)!
And I'll try explain:
bass ,guitar,synth-all seems as everyone want get most from their playing and don't think about sence of it(just my oppinion)
Synth break at 43sec and other places like this is very naive?
Well,doesn't matter ,most important i want to say-i belive that you guys can do everything,but what is did seems as demo for synth product!And i want your attention -this is other form of work:we need one concept,one idea and someone need drive this.
Otherwise we just trying assembly cuts with different feelings,different sound,different
touch of melody!
The order of building song is not right for my oppinion.
and only need thing to learn from us is communicate right ,to get right understanding what we do and how we do :smile:
BUT I LIKE YOU GUYS!!!!!!! A LOT!!!!!!
And i want rescue your names(if you need this,of course).
My suggestion- not hurry and try reorganise all!
Best All! Hope i'm not hurt anyone!
And i really want be a part of this!
But remember when it's done-everyone part of this!Well it game,but game must be cool for my opinion!
Sorry need to run ,see you soon :smile:

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 6:38 am
by kensuguro
You're right maket. In order to properly produce a tune, one would have to take the steps you proposed. If a tightly produced tune is the goal, then we'd have to change courses.

On the other hand, this tune, as I read from Nestor's bass, algo's drums, and paul's guitar.. was a bit more of a musical riddle. Everyone puts a part in, using what they know and what they understood from other people's parts. I guess there's no "one" idea behind the tune, but more like doing a session accross the net. There is a central motif in the tune, but it is loosely integrated. Anyway, what I found interesting about the tune was the lack of explanation. Most all understanding came from the music itself. It's maybe not a pefectly produced tune, but according to my definition of a great session, it's going much much better than I'd imagined.

But anyway, what you said is right though. No doubt. There's certainly many things that have to be changed for the next experiment. And atleast for me, I'm not too worried about names and status. It's OK for me to fail in an experiment. To me, the experiment has already succeeded. The jam style sort of worked, and it also kick started another experiment project. I think this tune has served its point pretty well. :smile: What's left are just tweaks and it'll be complete.

So perhaps you'd like to work on the next project when we get all a better production system complete? It will certainly be my pleasure to work with you, maket. And don't worry about anyone getting hurt, I think most of us have been doing this long enough to accept tough but true critiques. Thanx for being honest tho, I respect that.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 7:41 am
by Nestor
I completely fuse to what Ken has just said, I just want to reflect with you: I think that the experiment it has already been a success cos it’s DONE. This is enough for me! At the beginning, I was cautious, doubting a bit for it to be really finished, cos we always start something and then we leave it unattended... But, we have not only finished it (almost), but it sounds pretty nice too, if you consider the real time we have spent on doing it, (one hour and a half) and the WAY we did it (fast). This is way I think it’s a very nice tune.

This was nothing but a trial, a learning process and an observation of what it is possible to do, not else. There are MP3 files for instance involved here; in a professional background song you will never use an MP3. There are no explanations or rules, nothing. But this was exactly the point, to leave everybody to do freely what they wanted to do watching that way their own language or creative style. What I like most is the fact that we all pertain to different cultures, countries and realities of life, and we could nevertheless, come together to build up a tune, out of pure enthusiasm! The human positive spirit of it is the best I rescue from this experience!

Of course Maket, if we ever start doing something for real, seriously, we would get properly organised, no doubt about that. And I have to say I’m quite exigent myself, to myself and to others, when I do something professionally. Don’t worry at all, you are not hurting anybody, we are all learning and we are ALWAYS going to be…, so feel completely free, this is the way. :smile:

Music is the most Powerful Language in the world! *INDEED*

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Nestor on 2002-06-03 08:43 ]</font>

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2002 7:47 am
by Nestor
BTW: What is going on now? Who's doing what appart from Maket? Where is Valium, he was supposed to do something too, I am wrong?