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Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:13 am
by bosone
i was not given the key for dynatube bass.
i asked S|C and they replied to use the key for 5.0, but i will not have possiblity to try until tomorrow evening...
is there someone in the same condition?
dynatube bass key is not in the registry file they sent me after 5.1 purchase, and if i try to load it ask for the registration number

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:06 am
by w_ellis
Read through the thread and couldn't find anything definitive about whether both M&M and S&S packs are included in this upgrade, unlike previous deals where you chose one or the other. Any one already bought and know the answer?

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:27 am
by lagoausente
w_ellis wrote:Read through the thread and couldn't find anything definitive about whether both M&M and S&S packs are included in this upgrade, unlike previous deals where you chose one or the other. Any one already bought and know the answer?
I think both are included. Email them.

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:32 am
by pwhitmaker
Both are included.

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:18 am
by firubbi
ARCADIOS wrote:scope 5.1 works fine.....

EXCEPT... it is not 64bit. it just works on 64bit windows.

XTC mode only works in 32bit daws :(
as you can see in task manager it is ...scope.exe32

we have to wait i guess for a real 64bit application.

can jBridge help?

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:05 am
how can it help?
the 64bit applications like daws or other... synhtogy ivory2 etc... do not even recognise scope audio in xtc.

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:44 am
by dawman
Try Reapers free download and check out how its Roaming/Reaper folders are used.
Maybe it has a built in bridging scheme that the more elaborate DAW's don't have, I am not sure.
But I know a few folks who love it.
Personally for my needs I like using Standalone now since the ULLI can function as well as hardware.
64 Samples at 96k or 44.1k, with .07 msec. or 1.5msec.

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:49 pm
X-Mas Special Scope 5.1 study.

Some complained that the 5.0>5.1 upgrade cost 98€ only for a Win7 32/64-bit driver but I studied the X-mas offer with my own card setup and found many cases where this kind of offer could be a real bargain.

Actually I do have 10 cards splitted through 3 PC system (2 Win XP system and 1 old Win 98 SE).

I only have 2 cards with 4.5/5.0.
4 3-DSP cards (Home or Luna II)
2 4-DSP cards (Pulsar+Pulsar SRB)
3 6-DSP cards
- 1 Scope Project with Scope 4.5/5.0 including S'n'S 2 Pack
- 1 Scope Project with Scope 4.5/5.0 including M'n'M 2 Pack
- 1 Scope Pulasar II with Scope 4.0 and none of the S'n'S or M'n'M Pack
1 15-DSP card (Scope Pro SRB)

Case 1:

SCOPE v5.1 Software 32/64 Bit Update von SCOPE 5.0 nur 98,- EUR inkl. 19% MwSt.
mit Mix'n'Master Pack 2: Optimaster, PSY Q, Vinco, Interpole, VDAT, Vocodizer
Synth'n'Sampler Pack 2: Minimax, Profit 5, B2003, Modular III, Vectron, STS-5000

=> this would mean 98 € to get the missing pack for any of my Scope Project cards (not that bad)

Case 2:

SCOPE v5.1 Software 32/64 Bit für 3/4 DSP Karte für nur 129,- EUR inkl. 19% MwSt.
mit Mix'n'Master Pack 2: Optimaster, PSY Q, Vinco, Interpole, VDAT, Vocodizer
Synth'n'Sampler Pack 2: Minimax, Profit 5, B2003, Modular III, Vectron, STS-5000

=> this would mean 129 € to get both pack for any of my Home/Luna or Pulsar card + scope 5 goodies

Case 3:

SCOPE 5.1 Software 32/64 Bit für 6/14/15 DSP Karten nur 159,- EUR inkl. 19% MwSt.
mit Mix'n'Master Pack 2: Optimaster, PSY Q, Vinco, Interpole, VDAT, Vocodizer
Synth'n'Sampler Pack 2: Minimax, Profit 5, B2003, Modular III, Vectron, STS-5000

=> this would mean 159 € to get both pack for Pulsar II card or my Scope Pro SRB + scope 5 goodies

I feel for a setup similar to mine this looks like a deal, no ?

What is a bit strange is that the upgrade cost is higher for 6/15 DSP cards than for 3/4 DSP cards.
One should probably first focus on the 6/15 DSP upgrade cost and keep in mind that it is lower than the former Scope 4.5/5.0 fee and provide more, especially for 6 DSP cards.
Then the 3/4 DSP should be seen as an incitative extra discount for entry level system upgrade based on older cards (Luna II/PowerSampler/Pulsar) intented to keep the upgrade cost ratio towards the system value low.

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:57 pm
Just for a reminder, in the CW time the price of a one of the S'n'S 2 or M'n'M 2 pack was 598 € and even during the Winter or Summer special deal periods theese pack were sold 299 € !!!

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 3:39 pm
by Liquid EDGE
nice examples h. i've always thought that sc/cw offered amazing quality and devices and hardware for a very resonable price. always amazed about whining complainers.

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:18 pm
by garyb
Scope being a 32bit app has NOTHING to do with xtc mode working or not.

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:00 pm
garyb wrote:Scope being a 32bit app has NOTHING to do with xtc mode working or not.
i would like to know then what is the matter and scope is not recognized in xtc in 64bit programs.
the famous scope 5.1 64bit update is unfortunatelly uncomplete.

uncomplete...for unfixed known bugs of scope since years... but the worst thing is that it is uncomplete as an audio engine itself...

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:32 pm
by garyb
well, it probably has something to do with 64bit windows. there is NO rewire in 64bit either, EXCEPT in 32bit apps, although that may have changed recently.

since the ONLY people in the WHOLE world who are truly qualified to answer are or were working for S|C, all one can do here about it is troll and bitch, both of which serve no purpose.

for people who's only real purpose is high end audio, Scope is more than complete, bugs included. there are NO major apps that are 100% bug free, although that's always the proper goal. i sincerely doubt that the problems with Scope stop real engineers and sounddesigners from completing their work in a timely and professional manner. guys who just want to play with their computers, or make them do what they can't do might not be content, however.

fwiw-XTC mode support was dropped YEARS ago, though XTC mode was retained for those who like it. if XTC mode had been dropped entirely, then there would be nothing to complain about. for the record, i hope they get it going in 64bit for those who like it.

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:13 pm
by firubbi
HUROLURA wrote:Just for a reminder, in the CW time the price of a one of the S'n'S 2 or M'n'M 2 pack was 598 € and even during the Winter or Summer special deal periods theese pack were sold 299 € !!!
yes mine was (M n M) bought for $300.
@ARCADIOS, is xtc 32bit work well with sonar?

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:53 pm
by dawman
Reaper x64 can use XTC and I am recieving some lessons very soon on it's application.
But I did notice that there are roaming folders for my x64 apps.
Plogue Bidule and Reaper use such folders.
They can be found by using %AppData% in the search function.
Otherwise, when I try and find them on the C/Drive or My Documents, they seem to be hidden...??

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:22 am
firubbi wrote:
HUROLURA wrote:Just for a reminder, in the CW time the price of a one of the S'n'S 2 or M'n'M 2 pack was 598 € and even during the Winter or Summer special deal periods theese pack were sold 299 € !!!
yes mine was (M n M) bought for $300.
@ARCADIOS, is xtc 32bit work well with sonar?
scope xtc in 32bit apps works and fine.

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:35 am
garyb wrote:well, it probably has something to do with 64bit windows. there is NO rewire in 64bit either, EXCEPT in 32bit apps, although that may have changed recently.

since the ONLY people in the WHOLE world who are truly qualified to answer are or were working for S|C, all one can do here about it is troll and bitch, both of which serve no purpose.

for people who's only real purpose is high end audio, Scope is more than complete, bugs included. there are NO major apps that are 100% bug free, although that's always the proper goal. i sincerely doubt that the problems with Scope stop real engineers and sounddesigners from completing their work in a timely and professional manner. guys who just want to play with their computers, or make them do what they can't do might not be content, however.

fwiw-XTC mode support was dropped YEARS ago, though XTC mode was retained for those who like it. if XTC mode had been dropped entirely, then there would be nothing to complain about. for the record, i hope they get it going in 64bit for those who like it.
when i first bought my creamware cards and software i was always staying in sfp mode because i was highly impressed by the semi hardware feeling.
but since sfp works LIKE hardware and IS NOT real hardware.. even if it has the philosophy...(remember that it is a windows instalation :wink: ) i recently changed to XTC mode.
Now as i get deeper, and in my profession (classical singer.. and using scope for mainly recording classical vocals with piano, and secondly doing electronic music synthesis) i realize that sfp mode is much more a game than XTC mode.
At first i had the patience to control.. my external mixer.. then my scope mixer and then the sequencer mixer .............and it was always almost in all projects a mess.

since scope cannot be absolutely matched with the sequencer, but instead only connected via asio ios the waste of time for me was too big.
in xtc mode it works as it should + you have the scope plugins within the you save only your sequencers project and you are fine.

and i think that the FIRST thing that scope should do is XTC
UNLESS scope had a competitive scope sequencer........yea man, tha probably would had been a good solution since this way i suppose that the mixer would had been a scope STM mixer... i guess.

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:32 am
by erminardi
garyb wrote:fwiw-XTC mode support was dropped YEARS ago
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:44 am
by erminardi
The "Host" PC with sequencer and XTC and the "Synth" PC with Scope OS and FXteleport (also suitable for final mixing & mastering) is the answer to a real complete professional scope setup.
In the first I work with VST (native, UAD, XTC) in the second I charge VSTi (teleported) and Scope synths (modular, Solaris, etc.) via ADAT connections and midioverlan drivers.
At the end of the project the "Synth" PC becomes also the mixing and mastering station: via ADAT I send all stems from "Host" to "Synth" PC and here I can build my mastering chain before the VDAT recorder.
With this setup, that is very stable, I'm very very happy.
I use 64 bit samplers flawlessly since 2 years into a 32 bit sequncer through the FXteleport trick ;)

Re: S|C new Website, Release of SCOPE XITE-1 D and v5.1

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:56 am
by the19thbear
i emailed back and forth to SC about a year ago. The topic was XTC.
We talked about getting sfp and xtc working at the same time and they said it was possible bvut rigth now they were focusing on other things.

I am very positive we will see it "sooon" :D (as in within the next 100 years +/- 1000years - but its in the plans as far as i know)