Help with Stige's fantastic kit

Compare notes on how to get the most from Scope devices, etc.

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Post by grappa »

I would appreciate if anyone who has used these kits could give me a little advice regarding levels/velocity.

Having listened to the samples in depth (but unfortunately having not actually ever worked with 'real' drums) can anyone give me an idea of the velocty level which equates to an 'average' hit i.e. not belting the hell out of it. I have some existing midi drum files but the velocities (to my ear) all sound too high.

My other question is with respect to the output volume level from the sampler for each drum. I have them set at 99 at the mo for each but this seems too high for the toms/hihat. I would just appreciate if someone could give me an idea of what they consider to be correct volume for each drum.

Any help appreciated.



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: grappa on 2004-09-10 12:06 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: grappa on 2004-09-10 12:06 ]</font>

Post by hubird »

I would symply set the velocities at 100, unless you are modulating pitch, tone or even layers with distinct soundcolors.
Then you just choose the volume of each drum element sample output.
The bassdrum regulary is the loudest element, but this depends very on the music style and taste.
Once you have the bassdrum level, you can use this as a 'guide' to choose the other levels.
Hihats should be very carefully mixed in mostly, start at zero and turn the volume up slowly untill you're satisfied.
Don't be surprised about the low level you'll get, the human ear is best suited for mid and high freqs.
You can put the Instruments out levels at 90, to avoid summing overload, and for adjustments aims.
Do all this together with other song elements, you can't mix drums without, unless you're very experienced :smile:
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Post by garyb »

On 2004-09-10 12:05, grappa wrote:
I would just appreciate if someone could give me an idea of what they consider to be correct volume for each drum.
there is no right answer. listen to music you like and copy the balance there.....
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