Began as a model of the Helios console used by Harry J Studios in Jamaica, then continued with inspiration from Sound System Preamps and speakers, to end up as a powerful mix and mastering equalizer that can also be used to create customized bass/mid/high curves..
Highlight is its ease of use by using mainly tuned frequencies. Probably one of the many untold secrets inside many hardware equalizers and famous producers, now adjusted to Scope Sharc DSPs powered by the SpaceF energy ie, very open and transparent information with power to the user at accessible price.
It results in an equalizert with less head scratching and uncertainties = more rational choices because it does coresponds to musical tones, giving many "wow" and "aaah" moments when equalizing sounds and mixes. Overlapping ranges of course.
You will find many frequency tables on the internet, and below is the one used inside Rodin, which covers frequencies from 20.60 Hz up to 19 912,12 Hz. (E0 to D#10). 16 bands inside that interact in various ways customizable by he user. The equalizer can be controller with only 3 or 4 potis through its trimmers.
Also includes a few "atonal" (untuned) bass frequencies at its root (eg, 50Hz, 60Hz, which do not corespond to anything in the frequency tables ...).
Tested on hundreds of samples, songs and mixes in various bass-driven genres, synths, vocals and acoustic instruments during many weeks, further to years of music making/mixing/mastering that led me to do this equalizer.
Made because - eventhough most of us have enough equalizers to not use 80% of them - I needed something really different, precise and efficient.
Also, completely new 3D potis and switches (65 frames animations).
More info later, in a couple of weeks, name of the device may change (should be called something like Prince Fatty or King Tubby but those name were already used

41.20 Hz = lowest electric bass note (lower E string) and Sub speakers in sound systems.
82.41 Hz = lowest guitar note (lower E string) and general bass frequency in classical productions (classic rock, reggae , instrument based music)
261.63 Hz = piano middle C
4186.01 Hz = highest piano note
and no, it will not transform a major chord into a minor or augmented one, nor will it remove false notes... It does help making better synth sounds though, that sound clear and present.
it will be highly consistent with 440 hz based music... easy to use, because this is what can really be described as a very musical equalizer..