Luna disappointments... (by Tom)

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Post by Guest »

I bought a Luna with the I/O Box today and now I have to find that on the mixer there's neither dynamics not eqs... I'm pretty much disappointed! Is there any way to run Pulsar compressors and eqs on it? Thanks!

Post by Guest »

Subject: You can...


You can buy the Pulsar software from your local dealer.



Post by Guest »

Subject: Yeah, cool... :-(

That'd be another $300 or something...

But don't you think it's strange that a product which is supposed to do "audio processing" (quoted on the box "3 SHARC DSPs for audio processing as well as mixing....") does nothing else than mixing and routing Audio streams? I hardly can believe that you need 3 DSPs to do just that... Why would you want to mix 24 channels of Audio without being able to eq or compress some of them? That's for sure gonna be a great mix...

Anyway I guess I'll have to buy a second-hand Pulsar1 then because the Pulsar software already is about $300 and who would want to have all those Plugins and only 3 DSPs to run them on ;-)
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Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2001 4:00 pm

Post by gelder »

Subject: Re: Yeah, cool... :-(

i certainly agree with you , creamware can be really nasty sometimes , they don't even give you a good sampler with the pulsar ii , and if you like one you have to buy it , don't they think charging so much money on a card that the production cost is around 250$ (when each DSP costs 10$ - i checked it).


Post by Guest »

Subject: re:re:Yeah,cool....

Hi There
I'm afraid I disagree!When you go and buy a hardware digital desk,do you get a hardware sampler thrown in for free ??When I purchased my cards,over a year and a half ago (Pulsar1 +2 SRB's),it cost me £2100 running a new V 1.2.You can now buy 2 PulsarII cards running massively stabilised software(2.04)and greatly improved hardware for £1700.That's an impressive reduction for a product thats getting better all the time.The STS 4000 costs £235.50,you could buy that and 2 Pulsar II cards(which incidentally run an entire virtual studio)for little more than my hardware sampler cost me just a couple of years ago.
If Korg or Yamaha had come up with the Pulsar concept you'd probably be paying 2-3 times the amount for it.
I haven't written this post to be confrontational
,I just think that in comparison to all the other options available(either rival soundcards,digital audio workstations or purely hardware based studio set ups) Pulsar is still one of the cheapest options when you consider what your getting.

Best Regards Lov 43

Post by Guest »

Subject: Also true

Korg has the Oasys system and it costs twice the price of a Pulsar II system. I don't know about the quality but the versatility and amount of possibilities doesn't seem to be comparable to Pulsar II. But I still think that what we are paying for Creamware is the great hardware. The software should be completely free or more realistically it should be cheap. Luckily there are people doing software for Pulsars, Creamware always adds a zero to the price tag.

Post by Guest »

Subject: Yes, but...

I agree about the Pulsar, but I was talking about the Luna. I never saw a digital desk without eqs...

Post by Guest »

Subject: Reply to Tom

Hi Tom
I'm afraid I was replying to the anonymous reply you had recieved and didn't even address your issue.Despite what I said in my last post I do agree with you that having an EQ present on each channel of the Luna mixer isn't too much to ask for considering the price your paying for the Luna package.
Sorry about not addressing this issue in my initial post.
Best Regards Lov 43
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