Version 2 adds tonal shaping for even more serious punch!
To download: ... eview&id=7
Kick me is powered by FleXor technology.
Made only with basic low-level math atoms.

With that money you can get the full FleXor3 package for the modular and you'll find that quality in any aspect of synthesis....check some sounds:mpodrug wrote:Well i can not believe how this little thing is sounding. I have D16 Drumazon here and i was thinking that their 909 emulation cant be better regarding 909 kick ini digital emulation. Wow. This one is something unheard. And it is free. And it is soooooo damn nice. It can wipe floor with any VSTi i tested regarding kicks. Sound is spectacular.....yep i am floored with this oneIt is sounding like real unit
If they decide to do everything else in 909(toms, snares and clap, rest is sample anyway) or 808 emulation i would pay 250EUR in a heartbeat. With that sound quality i would not think twice...
Thanks, stardust. After I read your response, I went back and figured out the configuration issue that was preventing me from loading new XTC devices. Now everything works fine!stardust wrote:Hi chisel, I checked it this morning and yes it works for me in XTC mode with SX3 and scope 4.5.
I copied a synth dll and named it exactly like the dev.
Dont forget the exclamation mark.