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Re: MIDI Decoder and Encoder: 2 atoms for SDK

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 3:55 am
by jpo_midigods
So i figure Midi2Val is a midi noteon message to sync notenumber, it gives you 2nd byte of a noteon ignoring 1st and 3rd (channel and velocity). I had never use for it... not important issue but i'd had called it "NoteOn to notenumber".

I had it always on my searchs for cc midi modules before fantastic and keep-it-simple-as-in-midi M2V.

I never knew why MVC modules don't sends out direct midi notenumber... but i remember they has an async socket for notes.

Im using M2V for ccs as asked but also for notes. Im using Mackie C4 32 knobs pusbuttons sending hardcoded noteons as a text keyboard for fast C4 screens label editing. Its not qwerty but very fast also and i can edit labels hands on C4 hardware without breaking my music workflow, with just pressing 7 pushbuttons for a five chars label. No more char scrolling with knobs nor other workflow breaking, time consuming options.

you can filter notes from ccs easily by using a midifilter before M2V but also manually after by conditional send if type equals 11 or 9 (for ch1).

thanks to M2V module and BC Multi-Mo im abling to design for 32 physical knobs using almost same resources than for just one. It had took many many years and a global pandemic but finally i feel i can make good simple, reusable designs on fabulous Modular.


"MIDI is the languaje of Gods"
early www anonymous

"We have SC Xites and CW Pulsars"

Re: MIDI Decoder and Encoder: 2 atoms for SDK

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:35 am
by Spielraum
i like to work with IF modules, that's so logical.
if you desired, then i expand the filter options in M2Vf or Mf2V :)
crucial for Midi Out (filtered/thru)

i think, cwm module out is async, because no converter is queried when "blue" out is connected to async I / O
have check this with bcm Fader A

scope atom logic, i think
+ async out > sync in (auto conv)
- sync out > async in (need manual conv)

Re: MIDI Decoder and Encoder: 2 atoms for SDK

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 2:08 am
by jpo_midigods
Thanks Spielraum, i dont need any filtering and monitoring because im now used to monitor everything inside and outside of Modular to be completely sure haha i dont trust anyone haha. I havent catch any errors in M2V as im very early user of this module.

I like simple modules with simple use, small, clear view and well named so dont needing any further manuals. Maybe a gate out socket? im not sure how easy is to trigger a gate from an async socket.

Also I always thinking about saving async connections on general Scope use as a good design rule.

But I think more funcionality can be useful for others to learn. A complete MIDI tutorial for Scopers can be made on a Modular project, providing complete interactive data visualization over messages and conversions...

Only Problem for me now is I never know if a async white socket on a module will be 7 or 32 bits, i always feel im doing rare conversions with control rangers.


Re: MIDI Decoder and Encoder: 2 atoms for SDK

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 9:16 am
by Liquid EDGE
Where do you install these midi decoder and encoder atoms files to?

Not got a clue about SDK yet, but setting it all up to then dig into.