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KrOn - CV/DSP modulator

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:14 am
by spacef
Making the manual for those.
KrOn + 2 cool DSP/CV synths.
kron, modular mixers, CV synths... I think it is Blackbox III begining to take shape.


Pack01.jpg (731 KiB) Viewed 16692 times

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:20 am
by valis
You've got me paying attention =]

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:27 am
by nebelfuerst
Where to get that "SECRET SYNTH" ?

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:08 pm
by spacef
"where" is probably the SC shop, but "when" is "soon" :-)

Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:16 pm
by faxinadu
full power man, amazing stuff ! :0

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 12:58 pm
by spacef
manual uploaded here (beta manual :-) ) :
- SpaceF-KrOn.pdf

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 1:25 am
by David
Vibrator effects!? :lol:

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 1:32 am
by spacef
lol, did i write that ? :D

lol, spotted it: page 12.... gonna rework the manual a bit today.. ;-)

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:13 pm
by Marco
Perfect! Superb

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 2:50 pm
by spacef
I uploaded a new manual, with lots of corrections (thanks!), and a few additions too.

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:58 pm
by spacef
Hey guys what's up. I sent the devices to SC, I am working on the shop text right now.

I wanted to ask: - I am releasing the devices with a very little number of presets (only JunZ has 5 or 6 presets. other have 1), otherwise it's another 2 weeks for you to wait. I feel that Factory presets are not a priority in a device that controls other devices.

There will be presets for KrOn sublists of Pitch/Val parameters, but I thought that it is better to use the little time I have ahead to make another synth to add to the pack, so I started a new bigger one, also thinking about porting some LBH-Drum Modules to use them standalone with KrOn.

- does it sound ok ? May be people don't want an extra synth/drum modules and prefer presets for what is alrady there?
Let me know :-)

have a nice day.

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 4:51 am
by yayajohn
Mehdi; Work on the synths!!!
Can't wait to try these. Thanks!

Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:56 am
by Marco
Happy to see somebody doing New stuff for the scope Plattform.

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 4:02 am
by spacef
sorry guys, SC is on hollydays :-/
well, i am redoing a website in the meantime.... (not too much in there for the moment).
sorry for the wait...

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:13 am
by spacef
Great News !

I will be adding VOLTAGE MODULAR - a vsti modular plugin and standalone with 4 audio inputs that can be used as CV - to KrOn.

I have spoke with the Voltage Modular Team and they are great people, open-minded to any kind of collaboration that is beneficial to their Voltage Modular, directly or indirectly, and our collab has nothing confidential, hence this little message :-)

They confirmed to me that the pitch of Voltage is remapped to 1V/OCT (eurorack), but I still have to make a few adaptations in Kron, mainly improving the transposition of the V/oct scale. Once the method to transpose krOn Eurorack to Voltage Modular Eurorack, we will be able to transpose KrON to any V/Oct CV machine (at leats, now i have a real case to test, which wasn't the case previously).

Thanks to pay a visit and say hi on my behalf to --->
I have been told the release is close (no dates revealed). There are videos too.

CU Later, buzy week-end ahead in SDK for me :-)

Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 7:01 am
by Marco
Can you make a video on YT to explain how it works?

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:53 am
by spacef
I sure should :-) the problem is that I don't have equipment and must use the smarthphone, and its low Quality sound. Or set-up something to record with good sound and sync with image after that... I am not very experienced....

Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:30 am
by Liquid EDGE
Looks cool. What scope synths does this work with?

Will this work with my doepfer dark energy synths?

I’ve never worked with audio/cv modulation etc, so forgive my ignorance!

Re: Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:38 am
by spacef
Scope synths with at least one audio input to modulate something. Or synths made for it with more inputs for audio modulation.
There are two good ones that come it it. and hopefully more in the future . I will try to do a Scope modular too, because it works fine with it.

It can trigger drum boxes too, but I wonder if that's interesting: i mean, we can trigger drums with midi, so is it interesting to trigger them inside scope? "dawless"is possible but I am not sure it is desirable (because it takes additional dsp resources just to say "i'm dawles", which can be cool, but a bit irrational , i suppose :) ) .

KrOn can control hardware synths in the V/oct (eurorack and 99% of analog synths) and also Korg Hz/V format.

No problem for the Dark Energy; it is V/oct format so you can use with KrON - BUT you need a Epert Sleeper ES3 (adat to CV) (+ small eurorack case for the power supply) to make the link between Scope and ahardware synth/eurorack module.
If you can do it, I think it is worth it because it adds many possibilities for composing and sound design.

I need to try through the CV/Expression pedal input of any keyboard; in general, it's a CV input , then converted into a Midi CC number. I haven't tried yet though + i don't see the interest in converting CV into midi (because we can draw the Midi directly in the daw, and at the end, the converted CV signal fed into an expression pedal input would loose its CV character and becomes a midi control... but i think it can be done if desired).

For VSTi, it depends: first, because the vsti standard forbids audio inputs as modulators. I haven't seen synths with sidechain input, but that would work. I berleive you can control a sidechain signal witrh KrOn, if the asio latency is not a problem.
But, when used standalone, a soft MOdular Synth that is calibrated on V/OCT: you just need to boost the KrON signal by +12dB and you are done (and this boost of +12dB is available in Kron, so no need for external modules). I tried with "Voltage" from "Cherry Audio" and it works fine (the Cherry Audio Voltage is in beta, so not perfect, let's wait for their public release to know exactly if it keeps its promisses). .

I never worked with CV modulation neither until recently ... it is a "why did I wait so long" case...
It is different from Midi, and gives you results that are superior in terms of authenticity of the result, in my opinion ( if you think 70's and 80's. The same synth sound much more "analogic" than with midi, because that's the sounds we have heard in old records, but that do not have the same flavor when done with midi instead of CV.

The best is to use both CV and midi anyway and krOn tries to build on this "collaboration" and does not seek to "do it all" nor to replace midi.

I think will be released in september.

Re: Kron - CV modulator

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 am
by Liquid EDGE
Thanks for that.