DSP assignment. How does it work? What are the best DSPs to use.

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Liquid EDGE
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DSP assignment. How does it work? What are the best DSPs to use.

Post by Liquid EDGE »

Finally got round to building a mixer for my XITE-1 last night. (Hoping to actually mix a tune with it this weekend)

Once built, DSP 8 Seems to be mainly being used. (And when the % icon on the dsp load meters is selected DSP8 displays 100. (What does this mean? Is it now full?)

It’s as if all the mixer modules are being assigned to this one DSP.

One of the reasons for getting this mixer was to spread the load over multiple DSPs.

What DSPs are best to assign each module to?

Should the modules not automatically spread themselves across DSPs?
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Re: DSP assignment. How does it work? What are the best DSPs to use.

Post by dawman »

Right click on any item in the project window.
Modular remembers DSP Assignments, not sure about anything else in Scope 7.

My rule with Mixers with insert effects, is to load them empty, assign them to DSP 18, then immediately clear assignment after assigning. That option isn’t seen until you assign the device.
Now pack it with your choice of effects.
If you start getting DSP messages....take a shot of Jager
Liquid EDGE
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Re: DSP assignment. How does it work? What are the best DSPs to use.

Post by Liquid EDGE »

Cheers dawman. I’ll try the trick of assigning to dsp 18 followed by clearing.

The “how does it work” was aimed at spacef. As in. How does your modular mixer work with regards to dsp assignment. Sorry I’m not very clear sometimes.

Just wondering about best practices. Or if I can just go ahead and assign each mixer module to whatever dsp I want.

Also I found it odd that they automatically didn’t seem to spread across and just fixed to dsp 8 initially.
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Re: DSP assignment. How does it work? What are the best DSPs to use.

Post by jksuperstar »

In general, DSPs 7-10 have the most inter-DSP connections, and provide the best place for mixer's to live (STM2448x go here) with the other DSPs intended for synths/FX on channels as such:
7 : 11, 15
8 : 12, 16
9 : 13, 17
10: 14, 18

If the DSP assignments stick, this gives the least number of SAT connection issues. Medhi discovered it is also best to build a new project fresh out of boot up, as the DSP assignments seems to carry some memory of previously loaded projects, causing issues (true on v5, not sure about v7).
Liquid EDGE
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Re: DSP assignment. How does it work? What are the best DSPs to use.

Post by Liquid EDGE »

Hey. That’s helpful. Thanks.

Yeah I think the loading of everything on dsp 8 had something to do with the startup project I already had (a stm2448 configuration which already favoured dsp 8) to build my new start up project with. After assigning to other DSPs and then saving it stuck to them 10, 8 etc. Though once I started to make a tune and after saving and re loading it seems to spread itself how it wants now.

But good info, if I ever get into dsp limits I can try (for example) having one of the mixer modules assigned to say, 9. And then make sure synths patched into it are assigned to 13 and 17.

Cheers. 👍
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Re: DSP assignment. How does it work? What are the best DSPs to use.

Post by jksuperstar »

I don't remember where it came from now, but if you assign a synth to a slot (9/13/17 dsps), make it one voice before you do the assignment, make the assignment, and then set the voices to what you want, and all the synth voices should stay within that slot, simplifying routing to mixers and midi routing into the device.
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Re: DSP assignment. How does it work? What are the best DSPs to use.

Post by dawman »

The reason I like an empty Project Window, then load a SpaceF or any mixer into 18, is they hit the end of the road there.
You can check the numbers in 7-18 and see where it spreads to.
This leaves everything else you wish to load into the Project Window (not mixer inserts) free room.
Anything under 5500 (numbers right column) can be moved, then unassigned the same way.
Got my projects perfectly situated on the last 6 Chips, #13-18.
I always run out of connections long before DSP power.

Happy Hunting.
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