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Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:18 pm
by dawman
Scope Mixers have Master + selected BUS on most mixers.
But hardware mixers usually have Master + 4 separate BUS buttons so complex monitor mixes can be made.

Without having to build a mixer with such flexible routing, could RoyT's modules shown below possibly do the trick..?
001.jpg (272.75 KiB) Viewed 6774 times

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:41 am
by dawman
While I'm Young....

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:27 pm
by yayajohn
Well seein as how no one else repliee :D
Is modular necessary for this? What about this new device from Maus
iRoute 8x8.PNG
iRoute 8x8.PNG (37.08 KiB) Viewed 6735 times
There seems to be about a hundred ways to skin this cat just searching thru all the modular mix stuff and regular Scope mix stuff but I would use a matrix like this.

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:54 pm
by JoPo
:roll: :-? Jim ! You just have to wire Roy's mixer I/O to the modular shell I/O, no ? Don't forget that you can in/output audio signal thru Sync I/O. And that's it, no ?

Or maybe, I believe I don't understand in detail what you want to achieve... Anything like a complex mixer is feasible in modular, tell me what you want exactly !

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:45 pm
by dawman
I am so lame trying to understand routing.
Once proven and learned it becomes a snapshot.
But I have decades of hardware routing embedded in my brain.
Just trying to understand that MIDI IN is really my hardware MIDI Out.

Thanks guys. I got all night and a Microphone with AUX FX.
I'll report back.
And JoPo thanks letting me know about Sync :/ I routing.
That is something I was unaware of.


Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:09 pm
by JoPo
You could also use the BCmodular switches : you may load as many switches you need, controled by only one button : the 'button A', with its preset, you can control 1 to as many you want switches. Sync switch accepts audio signal.
Switch.jpg (108.08 KiB) Viewed 6711 times

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:55 pm
by jksuperstar
I feel your pain, Jimmy. Having the STM mixers allow only 1 buss selection is lame. It prevents me from doing things like parallel compression just using the mixer, it needs help.

If you still have the modular mixers from SpaceF, you can use one of the 24x7 Routers, and hang that off the direct outs (after enabling them in the STM2448x). That would become your new bus system (with the 24x7 you'd have 7 buses, or grab a smaller router to suite your needs). If XITE has any SAT issues routing, I'd place the SpaceF router on DSP 7-10, since they have the large amounts of SAT connections, and then keep the bus effects on the same slot if possible. Usually only keep the router on DSP 7-10 is enough to make it work, though.

The extra benefit of this? You get stereo buses. Use them as stage or IEMs, parallel compression, etc. You can even use the 24x7 router with the built in effects to do compression pumping.

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:56 pm
by dawman
I tried Matrixes and Switches.
No joy.
I need FX from AUXs bussed to IEMs and be able to send requested levels of each buss to the performer.

Here's what I need.
I got 1,000 bucks to the person who says no problem.
Half up front, 5 more when completed.
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Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 1:21 am
by JoPo
Now, I see why you have some difficulties... You want a gas factory ! To build this in modular is going to be hard ! There is no way to simplify like in SDK 'grouping' !

The big problem is to mix 16 stereo + 16 mono channels in modular with max 8 mono inputs mixer modules : you'll need to output some of them into others ! You gonna be completly lost amongst all those mixer modules !
I believe it would be easier to build this in the project window with bigger mixers than in modular... With Spacef modular mixer (which I don't use anymore & didn't update since years), you should achieve this easier...

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 4:21 am
by yayajohn
dawman wrote: Here's what I need.
I got 1,000 bucks to the person who says no problem.
Half up front, 5 more when completed.
Damn! That should attract some interest.

SDK'ers Assemble!

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:03 am
by dawman
Better hurry though.
Just found a MIDI Controlled 01V96 vrs. 2 for 775.
Use an ADAT Card for IEM mixes to my BLA Modded 8200s.
Total cost 1000.

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:14 am
by dawman
Actually RoyTs 16 + 16 is perfect.
I simply buy vented JHAudio Roxanne IEMs.
That way each performer hears his vocals with FX.
Inserting a Scope Channel in each bus can boost a bus signal to overcome the Mains that must still be heard, just at a much lower level.

The vents allow stage ambience to blend in eliminating the need for the perfect mix.
But the show where we will be will play for at least 2 years 5 nights a week.
Performers will surely become uninspired as times goes on.

Once whining starts a custom mix in 24 driver IEMs will satisfy the most whiniest of players.

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:33 am
by dawman
Thanks JoPo for the Sync I/O tip.

I think I might get this to work.
Need some more time today, but it looks very possible using Modular and MIDI CC's

Also finally get to use SHARCs BCM 32c.
Hope Scope Sync works.

Maybe I can bribe guys to make custom Modular Modules.

Already have BCM surfaces so this might be really cool.

ADA 8200s LIVE IEMs c.jpg
ADA 8200s LIVE IEMs c.jpg (183.71 KiB) Viewed 6661 times

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:37 am
by dawman
So far 2 x TC Fireworx for vocals Cascaded.
I already automate these live and they're fantastic. Great sounding Reverbs, amongst other things like Ducking Reverse Delays, etc.
Another hardware TC Fireworx for keys.
Solaris and HX-3 Hammond Module.
2 x Vocal Mics with Eventide Harmonizer on background vocal mics, works great.
Bass Direct
2 x mic'd Guitar Amps
kick snare hihat, toms x 3 floor toms x 2
Stereo Keys from XITE-1

a pair of BLA Modded ADA 8200s.

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:50 am
by dawman
I think this can work.
Might need Maus VU 8 x 8 in the project window, but things are looking good.

RoyT's dual AUX 4 x 4 x 2 Modulae was crucial.
As was DJ Micro's Mixer Shell.

Basically an ASIO/Drum mixer where Inserts per channel were needed.

I am Stocked, Modular is a bad mofo....STILL..!!
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Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 1:49 pm
by dawman
I can do it but need to speak to RoyT and see if a Module of 4 x 4 can be made.
The 2 x 2 works great and I can use other Matrix 8x8 modules for the busses.

I am stoked.... :wink:

The icing on the cake will be SHARCS (not the ADSP 21369s) killer BCM surfaces to page through.
Never having to open the Shell and get freaked out by all of those cables and shit.
001.jpg (222.93 KiB) Viewed 6640 times

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:31 pm
by dante
Not sure how relevant this is ... P4&index=1 but the Reason SSL has 8 sends on every channel, so one should be able to intersect the mix of each send in the Reason Rack and reroute to ASIO and therefore Scope.

Haven't tried this myself, but using this it should be possible to create up to 8 entirely different mixes - if that's the intended end game here.

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:53 pm
by dawman
Maybe I'll check it out.
I have plenty of CPU leftover.
The beauty of Scope and hardware...

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:29 am
by dawman
dante wrote: Haven't tried this myself, but using this it should be possible to create up to 8 entirely different mixes - if that's the intended end game here.
Actually 4 x stereo BUS + selectable MAINS on/off.

Think I'll just buy hardware and use MIDI via the Physis K4.

Did this with DMP 7s, and O1V hardware years ago and it worked great.

Really like the 01V96i or the Allen & Heath QU-16, but seems like no MIDI, USB for MIDI, and Mac only...
Asshos cant see regardless of workflow PC is a huge base to not consider when selling...?

Re: Creating IEM Mixes In Modular

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:14 pm
by dante
I checked last night - the Reason SSL sends can be connected directly to the hardware outs (EG XITE ASIO) in the Reason Rack GUI - and from there to Scope ADAT outs and beyond.

So - one could use the first 4 SSL send busses for reverb, chorus, delay and flange for example, and the last 4 to create 4 independent stereo mixes outbound to h/ware.
Reason SSL H/W Interface
Reason SSL H/W Interface
reason_ssl.jpg (169.3 KiB) Viewed 6582 times