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Modular EGs With A Retrigger Input

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:52 pm
by dawman
Is there an equivalent of a retrigger input on any of of Modular EGs?
I am hoping to use the Silentway Trigger Out as in the manual it requires a hardware trigger input, and since I am using Modualr IV and the modules accept audio, I am assuming I can consider that the hardware trigger input.


Re: Modular EGs With A Retrigger Input

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:15 pm
by Roland Kuit
I'm not sure what you mean, but here's a retrigger patch.

Re: Modular EGs With A Retrigger Input

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:01 pm
by jksuperstar
I think of "retrigger" as a built-in function of EGs -- so when they finish their cycle (end of release stage), they retrigger themselves, beginning the attack stage again. In Roland's example it's the Loop button on the EG module.

I'm guessing you are using the silent way VSTs to replace the Modular Shell's MVC? In that case, if you just used the trigger out from silent way, into the Gate input, you would trigger the EG as you want.

Also in Roland's example, he has the logic module just above the EG...use that to combine multiple gate signals (select OR to use any gate signal you have in the modular patch OR the trigger signal from silent way. select AND to require both signals happen at the same time in order to trigger the EG).

Re: Modular EGs With A Retrigger Input

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:36 pm
by Roland Kuit
A bit like this I did here:

Here I use the EG as an oscillator but you can use it in combination with audio too.

Re: Modular EGs With A Retrigger Input

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:05 am
by dawman
Thank you guys. The SWS 2.2 manual is explaining things but assumes the user is quite familiar with hardware modular sysntesis. Hell I'm just trying to keep in my Saddle with Scope.
But recently made a preset wher the LFO is retriggered for an authentic Rhodes Satellite panning. Huge difference with that as compared to auto panning of just an uneditable Square Wave.
Thanks Again

Off I Go.