XTC Project

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XTC Project

Post by fraz »

Hi here is an ammended verison of the project - I would like some feedback on it such as is this the same as what you folks are using??? - Have I gone slightly wrong in some way??? - There has been a problem using the monitor switch on the VSTi's with loads of error messages and not sure if that part of the project is working correctly......ways to improve the project such as mixers so I casn get the best of what XTC has to offer even if it is laiden with bugs................ :lol:

There is one stereo ASIO in/out included in project with two mono's from ADAT B source (the mighty Behringer ADA-8000) for mic's.....
I suppose its the bare minimum (which is OK)
Scope XTC ammended.jpg
Scope XTC ammended.jpg (60.95 KiB) Viewed 6591 times
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