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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2001 2:06 pm
by EarlyFirst
this is for all of you who continue to compare reverb boxes with software plugins.

Lexicon has stated that some of the rooms in the 960L use 3500+ functions at once....
how many of those are delays more then 16 I'm sure :wink: they even pride themselves on how many pre 30ms delays they use without a solid ring.....

Everytime someone tries to say my CPU can use 16platverbs etc I laugh ... how many of us have EVER had to use 16 verbs at once? in the same mix? how did you mix it? I would like to know....
I count on one hand the amount of reverbs most BIG studios have period.

The masterverb SOUNDS GREAT!!! and it's free!
and you can run 8 in XTC...

And if you must continue to compare hardware boxes with analog I/O's or Digital to a plugin sell all your gear you have today and then get that +10K box so you can go to every group and say you have the best :wink:

or you could wait till the V2's of the PT's :wink:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: earlyfirst on 2001-09-21 21:15 ]</font>

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2001 4:03 pm
by Air_PoLLo
We have 2 M5000's , (one is double DSP'ed ) man I'm glad we have them! In the room where the pulsar mac is, we have a digital desk with one M5000 on one AUX... forget anything else, heck It sound like lexicon or better.

I wish you too have the privilige to work with a REAL pro box, I promise you'll start to think differently.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Air_PoLLo on 2001-09-21 17:04 ]</font>

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2001 4:05 pm
by Air_PoLLo
we have 2 M5000's , man I'm glad we have them! In the room where the pulsar mac is, we have a digital desk with one M5000 on one AUX... forget anything else, heck It sound like lexicon or better.

I wish you too have the privilige to work with a REAL pro box, I promise you'll start to think different.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2001 8:08 pm
by EarlyFirst
I wish you too have the privilige to work with a REAL pro box, I promise you'll start to think differently.

I have tried tested and used the 224/480L 960L and the Sony 777 to the Yamaha and yes the M5 and system 6 :wink: oh and the yardstick..

trust me I'm not putting down the software verbs nor the hardware you have read it wrong ....

see you have 2M5's did you ever think you needed 16 of them in a mix..


Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2001 1:45 pm
by subhuman
I think people just use the "number of reverbs" as a benchmark; little do they realize how reverb algorithms can vary greatly in how demanding they are (which seems to have a correlation to how good they sound, IMHO :wink:

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2001 2:03 pm
by paulrmartin
This may be "Old-School" thinking but whenever I read about users wanting to use a different reverb on each channel it gives me shivers ( unless they are using them as effects, of course).
I use the same reverb settings on all channels, with only the depth changing to give the impression of space, but in the SAME ROOM.
Of course, I'm not too well versed in the techniques of Techno...
Any ideas?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2001 3:41 am
by ronaldmeij
reverbs ?

I always use my tc m2000 , i really like this one its cheap, nice to edit and its sounds great.

I just make a digital send and return and iam done......

Tc for me , tc 4 u ???

thats was a joke :smile: