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Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:41 pm
by dawman
The B2003 has multiple MIDI Channels, 3 to be exact.
Is there a way for Soniccore or DP/SDK developers to open the device and add audio outputs per MIDI Channel?
I would even like to see the option of Bypassing the Rotary emulation/Scanner Vibrato etc. per manual ( virtual keyboard ). This would be like having the old sound with new tricks.


Re: B2003

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:41 pm
by Neutron
basically that is like having 3 devices next to each other with different midi channels. putting 2 devices in one, i think that spacef monster synth has it (forgot the name)

Re: B2003

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:37 am
by dawman
Yes it appears to even share channels by providing split points, etc.
I have been using 2 instances so I can split up the manuals ( keyboards ).
In this way I can run a really dirty slow rotor on the lowest manual with or w/o Vibrato, and actually apply the percussion to both manuals.
Currently the upper manual uses the percussion in a single instance project.
This device is the best Hammond emulation out there IMHO. The Korg Oasys has an excellent one also, but the DSP PhysMod's are by far much better than the EVB3, NI B4, etc.etc.
I sold my Klangboxes and ASB's and kind of regret that now.
Especially now that Soniccore has fixed the audio input routings on the B4000 ASB.