CC Rider

Preset lists and tools for Scope modules

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CC Rider

Post by voidar »

I'm posting this free VST plugin here as it seems to have vanished from the web.
It was created by some dude called "Kyle" specifically for Tracktion users. He also did other Tracktion specific plugins like Step Child, Tacky Browser and Track PAD. Anyway, they work in other VST hosts as well, needless to say.

CC Rider lets you "ride" all 128 MIDI controllers so you will just automate them in your sequencer like any other VST. Then just output the MIDI into SFP and ride away :).

Great tool for Scope-ies.

CC Rider.rar
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Mike Goodwin
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Re: CC Rider

Post by Mike Goodwin »

Just downloadint this now as I am just about to pull my hair out trying to automate it all through Live. Hope this thing is the golden key.

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Re: CC Rider

Post by Tau »

Haven't tried it yet, but this might really be helpful for Scope automation in Live, since it has to be done via MIDI CCs, which can only be written for each clip, and not for the actual track on the timeline. This makes it a bit confusing - I end up setting tracks for automation only for each channel that goes into Scope (ex. one for the mixer, one for each synth...) This on top of the actual tracks increases the track count immensely - and it's easier to see the automation envelopes on top of the data, instead of having to look for it.

I'll be sure to try it out tomorrow. Thanks a lot, Voidar. I'm gonna try and see if I can find the others on the web.


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Re: CC Rider

Post by voidar »

Yup, you get the benefit of VST automation in the host. I think the plug-in should be able to read incoming MIDI too, but never tried it.

The other plug-ins aren't that interesting IMO.
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Re: CC Rider

Post by Tau »

OK, I'm not having any luck with this... Live recognizes this plug-in as an audio fx, and assumes the desired output to be an audio track. I can automate CCs in the timeline, but I can't direct them to a MIDI port... Is anybody using this in Live?

thanks in advance,

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Re: CC Rider

Post by voidar »

I remember a long time ago in Live using a "XY" VST-plugin, using the two parameters to automate volume and pan in Scope. I think all I had to do was use the MIDI-learn function in Live.
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Re: CC Rider

Post by Tau »

Problem seems to be routing the MIDI output of the plug-in to a MIDI port and into Scope. but it seems to go deeper than that, as I was also having troubles with Zweeger. It seems that live doesn't take too well with MIDI-related plugins, like MFX and stuff. It does have its own set of MIDI plugs, but it seems to require some sort of "wrapper" or translator to work with most.

I was advised to use USINE (, I'm downloading the free version as I write, and I'll try it out... I+m guessing EnergyXT or Bidule could probably work as well, but I'll try this one first, and I'll let you know how it goes...

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Re: CC Rider

Post by voidar »

Maybe try inserting an "External Synth" effect after CC Rider?
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Re: CC Rider

Post by Tau »

OK, I got it! :)

CCRider must be inserted on a MIDI track. As it is considered to be an audio plugin, the track's outputs will show only Audio destinations, and it won't be possible to insert MIDI devices or instruments after it.

The second step is to create a new MIDI track, and set its input to the track CCRider is on, as "Post FX". This will read the MIDI coming from that track, after CCRider. All that's needed after that is to set the 2nd track's MIDI output to the Scope MIDI port.

From this point on, any automation drawn in the timeline for CCRider on the 1st track will be sent to the 2nd track, where it can be recorded into a clip, or simply routed to the desired MIDI port.

So, for example, I have a Minimax set to Channel 1, on MIDI port 8. Cutoff Frequency is set to CC15. I would first insert an External Instrument device, and direct it to that port and channel. After that, I'd insert the CCRider plug-in, and draw some automation on the timeline for CCRider, CC15. Playing the track will play the notes, but no changes to the CCs can be heard. So, I create a 2nd MIDI track, set it's input to the Minimax track, post FX, input monitoring on, and route it to the same channel and port as the other one (Ch.1, port 8 ). Now, the automation curves will affect the frequency cutoff on the Minimax!

The big advantage is that you can draw and set the CC parameters for Scope devices (or any external MIDI devices) on the timeline, and on the very same track as the notes, without having to create additional clips, or worrying about erasing automation when replacing clips, or re-recording notes. The downside, is that it still takes 2 tracks for each MIDI channel, one for notes, another to route the CCRider data, although one can bring the empty "router" tracks to the bottom of the project and out of the way.

Pretty cool!

Thanks again, Voidar!

P.S. BTW, I was trying out Usine, and it looks pretty powerful... Will take some time to learn the basics, but it does seem pretty interesting indeed. I was trying to build an LFO device, and I *almost did it* - i managed to create an LFO ranging from 0-127, that cyclically changes the 2nd value of a set MIDI CC generator. When I pressed a "create" button on the generator, it would actually output a CC value to a Live track, but I would have to press it each time I wanted it to generate the message :) Fun, but not what I intended... I'll dig deeper though. Quite happy with CCRider now!
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