Synths That Need XITE-1

The Sonic Core XITE hardware platform for Scope

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Synths That Need XITE-1

Post by dawman »

Here's the front runners I have chosen to use w/ XITE-1 next month.

These are surely the epitomy of " FAT BASTARDS ", and each have their purposes and unique character.

I will load up Adern Flexor III and Modular also, and pray that the polyphony restraints will not interfere w/ my high poly demands. I need at least 6 voices on my synths since I use 5 voice chords, and always play the root. The 7th and 8th voices are needed so the envelopes won't re-trigger. However on certain presets that is a desirable feature as the entire sound gets re triggered, and this sounds awesome w/ a reverse delay, or reverse reverb effect. :wink:

I will also have Celmos BlueWave w/ 16 voice polyphony for those fine ass FM Pianos. I'm sure that Celmo didn't plan on this synth being an electric piano, but it's presets of FM EPno's are stunning through a Scope mixer, and beat the pants off of any sampled EP, or FM8's sounds.

QWave and Multi-Synth can be layered since they are 4 part multi timbral, and I will use them as a giant 8 part synth, or 4 part emulation of a Waldorf Wave w/ many more tricks up it's sleeves.

Solaris 5.0 has no equal in analog emulation since JB added the new performance features to it. It is the FATTEST BASTARD I ever had and sounds like a giant Modular Moog doing 8 voice pads. I never owned one but heard Keith Emerson using his live back in 1972, and I thought it sounded so FAT, that the Gods from Olympus had descended upon us. I was only 16 years old then and drove my dirt bike 40 miles to see that show, but it made an impression on me that I shall never forget. Solaris 5.0 has filled that void with great sucess.

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Post by johnbowen »

Hey Jimmy,

Thanks for the promo!
Did you notice the RD buttons on the Quantum Wave, next to the WT buttons above the wave select section? You can use any RD series or SpaceF module in there as well as the WaveTable oscs.

-john b,
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Post by dawman »

Thanks 4 the promo.........

Thanks For The Synths, and definately thanks for the BETA of Solaris.

I was so surprised when I saw that all of the things I whined about in soft synths, actually tackled by someone as astute as yourself. If anyone could have done it, it had to be you. You were one of the few guys around who understands old school as well as new school synthesis playing. I hope to become better at both by constantly rehearsing, and performing.

Soft Solaris is so powerful now, I sold all but one of my analogs. I think because of it's sound and rack ability, it will not get buried in a studio or museum somewhere.

I have banked heavily on XITE-1 by selling everything. But I saw how Creamware / SonicCore continuously upgraded, and never left anyone behind with the old cards and software, that alone convinced me of believing that nothing has changed, except the awesome new power we will have, and the support that will continue. :wink:

I heard that money was so tight @ SonicCore, that Holger charges you rent on the XITE-1 BETA's when you take them stateside. :D ....................ankyu....ankyuvarynmush.

Between you SpaceF, DAS, Wolf, Warp69, and some SDK guys, I feel quite secure as far as devices and upgrades go.

I look forward to using this stuff live again, as the absense of battle has damn near killed me. But sometimes one must give up the stage. I shall return with the fiercest gear known to man. I can only have pity on the poor guys who are gigging with their Motif's and Receptors. :o They shall be punished severely. :lol:

As far as our discussion on QWave goes..........................That Dog Will Hunt !!!

I drug it out of my audio trunk of tricks just for XITE-1.

It will be a beast of a synth live. With Multi-Synth and QWave, my futuristic sounding stuff will be addressed.

Solaris will be my warrior synth, and it will surely deliver unmercifull beatings to all who listen.
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Post by dawman »

QWave is an incredible synth. I feel foolish for having it but never really delving into it very deeply.

Since the news of XITE-1's massive power I returned to try it again.

I created a few awesome presets that I wanted to record some Debussey with. The old fave's were Reverie, and Clare de Lune.

QWave made these compositions come to life quickly.

I have all four instruments using 8 voice poly. This was easy to do once I started off with just a Source and Destination module only, then added QWave and bumped the voice up one at a time till I got the desired results.

6 Oscillators are dedicated to LFO controlled waveforms, and 2 Oscillators were in the RD Slots. They were Jaws and MicroScope from SpaceF. Each one has 3 x tunable waveforms. They were my basic melody, which is LFO modulated with detuning and panning added. The other waves simply swim around the melody adding so much beauty and motion. A giant wave trip that acts similar to S & H sounds.

It's to beautiful to describe, so I will post a demo of it this week.

I have always loved the era of Ravel, Monet, and Debussey. The best Art and Music came from Paris in the late 1800's and early 1900's.

If I were to travel back in time, it would have been to Paris during the Impressionistic era. Such talent, very similar to Vienna while Mozart was alive.

Debussey would have died for a synth like QWave.

It really is a synth for cats who have great melodic skills, and never took formal training. As the simple melodies are all that is needed, The synth will do the rest of the work with it's incredible manipulations.

I must really get some sleep.

Orevua. :wink:
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Post by bill3107 »

With Xite power, those fast bastard become incrinsgly tempting to me ... thank you jimmy for your feedback. I won't spend money on VSTi anymore as I want to keep my computer focused on sequencer+video and 2/3 vsti for drums (RMX) and samples (GVI). I am very happy with all the soniccore emulations (from B2003 to Prodyssey !) so I tend to think the Xite power deserves to be used with good (big) synths ... I have been so lazy that I just use the VOID + COS ones but working on the Bowen and Spacef ones could be a great idea now....

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Post by dawman »

Solaris, MS WK4-MKII, and Prowave can have Waldorf Oscillators in thier slots too.

But QWave is an entire synth structure just for those Oscillators.

The presets are great too. Each one is a valuable lesson, no hidden features.

The drop down menus also have destinations like expression pedal, mod wheel, etc.

Making presets is a breeze, and the sounds that evolve from this are just fascinating to here.

I will post a demo this weekend. I will actually master it this week and try to achieve some type of quality. This synth desrves a proper mixdown.

This thing makes the most incredible pads and wave Pianos . organs. Not to mention sounds never before heard.

Just What The Doctor Ordered.

Bowen and SpaceF synths and Oscillators are so complintary of each other. You really can't have one w/o the other. I put SpaceF's and JB's RDII Modules along with the built in Waldorf s and go fuckin' nuts w/ 'em. It's awesome.
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Post by hifiboom »

its all great..

once xite-1 is out, I only hope SC will continue to release new devices for the platform (synths and fx, maybe a sampler update)

Then we will be in total heaven. :P
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Post by dawman »


And let us not forget VDAT or a newer version of it.

Wouldn't it be nice to win a sweepstakes or lottery where you get to have Holger, John Bowen , and SpaceF as your employee's for a month or so, making whatever you ask for? :lol:
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Post by spacef »

XITE-1/4LIVE wrote: Wouldn't it be nice to win a sweepstakes or lottery where you get to have Holger, John Bowen , and SpaceF :lol:
I speak for me but...
go buy the damn tickets and get funding :D
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Post by spacef »

(hey you're gonna fund us right :D and invite to casinos as well)
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Post by FrancisHarmany »

looks promising :D
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Post by hifiboom »

slavery... :D
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Post by dawman »

Speaking Of Winning.....................................................

I stopped by a local pub for a couple of tippers, and of course to check out the band and babes, and Lo and Behold.........................

A 20 dollar bill was turned into 2600 USD.......Fuckin' A !! :D

Funny thing though.....this is 2008? But I shall not argue, maybe the club is behind in paying their fair share. :lol:

So Please, by all means Mehdi, think of us XITE-1 guys when you make your newest devices,

I have extra R & D funds available.

I shall PM You @
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Post by Shayne White »

Right. Before, you could develop cool plugs for Scope but have no DSP power to run them on. Now, we'll be able to make anything we can dream.

Of course, like hard disk space, CPU cycles, and memory, I'm sure Xite's DSP power will be eaten up before long. :cry:
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Post by Sounddesigner »

Shayne White wrote: I'm sure Xite's DSP power will be eaten up before long. :cry:
Hopefully at some point more then one XITE-1 will be allowed to be chained together and simulteaneously used. 2 XITE-1's together no doubt is big difference over 3 scope pro's and should have good lasting power. I'm sure the more power we have the more we will want and no amount is safe from being insufficient at some point, but 2 or 3 XITE-1's should go pretty far if connecting them together is allowed at some point.
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Post by dawman »

In case anyone wants to relish in my stupidity.

I went back to see the cute bartender, lost 1000 USD, and didn't even get any trim. :cry:

At least my Blue Sky's were free.

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Post by the19thbear »

:lol: / :cry:
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