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Sample Rates. Which ones to use and where??

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:22 pm
by Stompa81
I have never really looked into this too much.
(I wiill have my Scope Pro in about 3 weeks so this is for when i get it)

I have always composed my music in a 44.1 KHZ / 16 bit environment ( Cuabse ), I experimented with 96 KHZ / 16bit . When I played with Pro-53 Vst there was a very noticable difference in the output.

It was much more "sprakly" and just plain sounded alot better.

Should I be Composing in a 96KHZ environment?? the only problem is ALL of my samples i use are in 44.1 so when I put them in the 96 environment its like hearing a tape being fast forwarded :lol:

And what is 192 KHZ for ??? Im guessing its to do wiith the Mastering Stage.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:41 pm
by Mr Arkadin
Forget 192 - it's not going to happen on your current Scope board. For my money i would forget 96 too. i use 44.1/24 bit - you might as well go at least 24 bit. If you want Pro53 to sound better at 44.1 then use Pro-12 :D Honestly, Pro-53 sounds pale compared to Pro-12 or zarg's various Prophet models. Unless you're doing some amazing mastering job or high-end DVD work there really isn't much to be gained (in a mix) by using anything other than 44.1.

If you use 96kHz you will effectively halve your DSP power - another good reason to stay 44.1.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:00 pm
by katano
but you should consider using 24bit, gives you more headroom. btw there were a few threads about the samplerate, do a search here on Zzzzz...


Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:45 pm
by hubird
96 kHz improves the sound of synths that don't use 'oversampling', like the older stack synths of CW.
The question remains if the gain will be kept when downsampling to 44,1 on cd, let alone to the today's kids' standard mp3...
From the skills side:
If you don't know (yet) how to get a good mix at 44,1 there's not a single reason for working on 96 kHz! (!=!!!).
It's like driving a Jaguar on a sand path, or a 2CV on a race circuit ;-)
This scope should make you feel better, as you and your harddisk only win from it...
24 bits? definitely :-)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:54 pm
by Stompa81
Understood :) Sorry for doubling up will be sure to use the search button a bit more :D

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:49 pm
by Lima
I also suggest 44.1/24bit.
Furthermore, working with higher samplerate requires some post processing, when you downsample the track, as dither.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:53 pm
by faxinadu
i second the suggestion to work in 24bit 44.1

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:28 am
by Stompa81
24/44.1 it is :D Thanks guys 8)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:47 pm
by hifiboom
yeah if you like Pro53,
the Pro-12 will blow your shoes off....
even at 16bit and 44,1 :lol: