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Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:45 am
by tgstgs
nice to see youre still into developement;

feel free to do whatever you like from my side // mattomat

the thing with the hangin notes gets special attention while transposing;
i realise this way;

i buffer all the input;
i set a flag true as soon as a noteon comes;
the noteoff event false the flag;
at each sync circle i check if a flag is setted at all;
if none is setted i take input from the inputbuffer;

this way changings are only possible while no noteon is on the way --> no hanging notes possible;

good vibes from vienna

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:41 pm
by sharc
tgstgs wrote:nice to see youre still into developement;

feel free to do whatever you like from my side // mattomat
I'm trying. As much as I'm surprised how much I remember having spent so long away from the SDK, it does take time to get my head round some of the stuff I was working on before and this one's definitely no exception :D.

I'm glad you're cool with it - I honestly didn't expect anything else - but at the same time I don't really feel comfortable with adding certain features at the moment which could potentially distract from you customer base. You've clearly put a lot of time and effort into Mattomat and it deserves to have it's fair amount of time in the limelight as a one of a kind. I know the interface is completely different on LOOP and that can be a huge factor where sequencers are concerned, but I just worry that if I were to grant every request then the two devices could become a little too similar.

I wasn't suggesting that I'm going to stop working on LOOP altogether. I certainly want to fix any bugs and any sequencer that regularly generates hung notes is buggy as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for the tips. I might give this a try to resolve the issues with note hangs on pattern switches. It's either that or have the pattern selection wait till the current pattern completes it's run before switching and have an all notes off at the end of every pattern. However I would prefer to keep it as it is with the pattern switching mid pattern as this is more versatile and allows for more impovisation.

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:56 am
Thanks for the full 16 step view Sharc, I have to test this one !!!

On my side, I am used to NOAH stepseq, but though similar to Loop or Mattomat on some point, they definetly provide too different workflow to compete with each other. And if I REALLY want something closer to the NOAH spirit, I should probably grab Wolf Audio stuff ... Or design my own stuff :D .

Just one suggestion to Tgstgs: hire Sharc and Shroomz for UI design contribution !!! :wink:

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:36 am
couldn't resist to test the unfold version straight away but I think there are some align issue in v0_6b ...
screen capture showing alignement trouble with Loop v0_6b on my 1280x960 display ...
screen capture showing alignement trouble with Loop v0_6b on my 1280x960 display ...
Loop_v0_6b align trouble.jpg (114.73 KiB) Viewed 7625 times
Tested on a 1280x960 display with Scope 4

Upper Left and topdown are v0_6b with alignement trouble.

Topright is the former v0_6 with correct alignement ...

Screen resolution doesn't really matter actually.

Would be great additionnal feature though :D

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:36 pm
by Mr Arkadin
HUROLURA wrote: Upper Left and topdown are v0_6b with alignement trouble.
Looks fine in Scope 5.1 for XITE-1. However, if I move knobs whilst a sequence is playing the sequencer just stops and has to be restarted (the Start button is still lit, so has to be switched off and on again).

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:45 pm
Ok, I will test it with the Xite tomorrow ... :D

Would be strange if it was "optimized" for Xite, though.

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:40 pm
by sharc
HUROLURA wrote:couldn't resist to test the unfold version straight away but I think there are some align issue in v0_6b ...
Loop_v0_6b align trouble.jpg
Tested on a 1280x960 display with Scope 4

Upper Left and topdown are v0_6b with alignement trouble.

Topright is the former v0_6 with correct alignement ...

Screen resolution doesn't really matter actually.

Would be great additionnal feature though :D
OK I've figured out that's a bug in Standard mode. It works fine in Scope Classic mode.

Strange thing is the knobs which are moving position are the best aligned :-?.

I'll see what I can do with it :wink:
Mr Arkadin wrote:Looks fine in Scope 5.1 for XITE-1. However, if I move knobs whilst a sequence is playing the sequencer just stops and has to be restarted (the Start button is still lit, so has to be switched off and on again).
I've not been able to replicate this so far. Does the tempo LED stop blinking when this happens?

Do you have anything connected to LOOP MIDI in?

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:38 am
Works just fine on Xite-1 !!!

Here is the result :D :

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:28 am
by Mr Arkadin
sharc wrote:
Mr Arkadin wrote:Looks fine in Scope 5.1 for XITE-1. However, if I move knobs whilst a sequence is playing the sequencer just stops and has to be restarted (the Start button is still lit, so has to be switched off and on again).
I've not been able to replicate this so far. Does the tempo LED stop blinking when this happens?

Do you have anything connected to LOOP MIDI in?
I have nothing on the input - this is when used in Internal clock mode. I have a Minimax on the MIDI output. I choose some random notes on the knobs to get a sequence going. Hit Start and all is fine. If I now start wiggling one of the Note On knobs to its lowest value (C-2) and up again eventually it will drone. Tempo light is still on and Start light is still on. Maybe wiggling is creating too much MIDI data?

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:45 am
by sharc
Mr Arkadin wrote:I have nothing on the input - this is when used in Internal clock mode. I have a Minimax on the MIDI output. I choose some random notes on the knobs to get a sequence going. Hit Start and all is fine. If I now start wiggling one of the Note On knobs to its lowest value (C-2) and up again eventually it will drone. Tempo light is still on and Start light is still on. Maybe wiggling is creating too much MIDI data?
Ah yes, it's the same problem when switching patterns. Basically the changing of a note value will shift the key value of the note off accordingly. This means that if it's changed while the note is playing, the note off for the new note plays and the old note hangs. I'm working on a fix for it.

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:02 am
Small workaround: set Minimax to single mode (no hanging notes as a new note replace the previous one) :D

It is quite nice as usual to be able to assign CC messages to knobs to be able to remote control from an external hardware MIDI controller (i.e. two BCR 2000 for example ...).
Would be great if similar stuff would be available for selecting type of message and note duration ... as for the other start/stop switch and pattern bank for full hardware control !!!

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:55 pm
by sharc
HUROLURA wrote:Small workaround: set Minimax to single mode (no hanging notes as a new note replace the previous one) :D
Or alternatively time any changes for when that note isn't playing. I bet you wish I'd added the LED's Mr A :lol:

I'll try and get it sorted as soon as possible folks, but I do have other projects which require more immediate attention. This update was mainly for the presets.

Like I said before, I'll continue to update this until at least it's working 100% ...hopefully. It's not THE TOP priority right now though.

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:43 pm
Thanks again for what you provided ... :)

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:13 am
The first attempt I made was just using some of the new features provided compared to previous version. No realtime playing, just enabling/disabling sound and moving the Mixer faders while the 3 Loop stepseq play... :D

On the second one, I started to explore what the pattern switch offered with the same principle with a much more minimalist setup involving only 2 loop instances.

You probably noticed I like to use Loop + 6-Strings ... :D

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:32 pm
by sharc
HUROLURA wrote:You probably noticed I like to use Loop + 6-Strings ... :D
If I added a panic button and multiple tracks it would probably be great for pads as well :D

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:53 am
by ShogunSpy
HUROLURA wrote:Works just fine on Xite-1 !!!

Here is the result :D :
:) This sounds nice the six string sounds good

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:56 am
by ShogunSpy
Thanks Sharc...will try it out

Re: LOOP - MIDI Sequencer v0.6b

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:25 pm
by CarvinGuitarFreak
Suberb device :D