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Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:38 am
by dawman
I think when products go off of the drawing board, and go to the actual manufacturing of the combined hardware, unforeseen delays from a lack of experience in manufacturing processes can be a real eye opener.
I had the pleasure to speak on the phone with a designer/manufacturer I have idolised over the years about the unexpected oversights that can occur when small companies that are involved with providing extra parts suddenly loose their manufacturing site, due to property foreclosures, etc. Many other variables happen.
I have been speaking with Tony Barbetta, a fellow keyboardist and managing owner of Barbetta Powered Monitors, he has had to move twice in the last 2 years because leasing the manufacturing site is the smart way to go as you can write off the money spent on the rent of the site.
He was most re assuring as this is a guy who has an incredible product line and was explaining to me the numerous problems that can occur with manufacturing.
I am looking forward to XITE-1 being a flawless MONSTER peice of kit, and TonyB. has a great new design for me in the form of 5.1 w/ a 5.1 LFE SUB !!!!
I will just keep learning what I have overlooked while I wait, as I am far from knowing my apps.
In the last month I have excelled in so many areas I can hardly be upset........
Having said that......................Hurry the fuck up !!!.... :lol:
All I can say is the next time I play live anywhere or record locally, I will definately be battle worthy.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:21 am
by Warp69
Analog Devices have announced the ADSP-21469 :) ... oduct.html

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:00 am
by iSiStOy
It's definitively normal to see some companies delaying the coming out of some products after facing the reality of technical constraints.
Only fools that never went into programming nor having deadlines to deliver complex IT structures can think of it as a disrepect to them.

Put a finger in it and tell me how much time exactly you need to migrate such an environment to a new architecture!

F... hell!
A bit of respect is due to the guys who know they shall implement a complete PLATFORM that must last for years!!!

Again, have a go to assembler and chipset/embedding programming, taking into account old devs made for previous gen. chips!

Better support these guys, they're making a hell of a hard work, from which you cannot get rid when you come back to yours after your 8h of daily work (and I'm not thinking they are counting their hours at the moment).

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:54 am
by garyb

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:49 am
by Shroomz~>
Righteously said.... :D

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:10 pm
by iSiStOy
Sorry! Again...
Consider the fact it won't be overpriced when sold, even if they went through 2 years of devs:
they're not addressing it to the gaming market.
They are a dozen of men and they NEED to reach the best level of realisation for a small perfectionist niche. Let these guys drive the deadlines!

Big respect to S|C for having the guts to face such a challenge. I'm personally ready to pay for what it has to offer and will this time gladly take part of testing if needed.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:46 am
by jimk
I know you guys love your Creamware stuff, as do I but this is bordering on the obsurd. I am waiting for SONIC CORE to develop 64 bit drivers for their hardware. Version 5 isn't going to be 64 bit yet from what I understand. Is it going to be another 2-3 years before we see that?

I did go and get the UAD2 stuff... quite good btw... but I am going to need a 64 bit soundcard shortly. And before we start flaming about 64 bit, my needs have to do with accessing increased amounts of RAM and not higher sampling rates.

I come back here about every month to see if anything new is happening on the SONIC CORE front and it seems that all I read is the same promises of "SOON".

Now, I am not going to abandon this great platform yet for I am waiting on the 64 bit version of KONTAKT to be released (which is another similar story to Scope V5) in version 3.5 but once that happens it will be time for me to make the plunge into the 64 bit world and I really hope that Sonic Core has made some type of REAL progress by the time this happens or I will have to decide to abandon the SCOPE platform.

I hope I don't have to do this because I really like the SCOPE concept.


Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:58 pm
by Me$$iah
64bit with more RAM... or ... Xite with more DSPs

No Brainer.!!

I'd take the extra DSP power everytime. The 64bit will come.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:50 am
by dawman
Hang In there Brotha' Man Jim,
The product will be incredible.
These guys have just never been to the big city before, and are learning what the Green & Red lights mean............. :lol:

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:16 pm
by dante
Speculation. Its fun, but when this thing hits the streets, the past wont matter. All that will matter is what else will be around at the time.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:51 pm
by jimk
OK, I am still waiting and can't wait for the new stuff and as far as more DSP goes, I have 21 DSPs now and don't max them out. Without new software emulations, the extra DSPs don't excite me. I can say that the UAD2 plugins are simply amazing and if this kind of quality becomes available for the Sonic Core platform, it will really help.

I always looked at Creamware stuff as a poor man's ProTools and this new hardware looks like it might be really fantastic if it gets 3rd Party support. With quad cores etc, the need to take processing off the CPU isn't as important as this was back in the 1990's when I got my first Creamware card. Now, its about QUALITY.

Any word on this 3rd party support for new PLUGS for the new platform?


Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:26 pm
by dawman
The most legitmate argument yet.
Personally I think many will want to get involved if they already aren't preparing for negotiations.
Just being famous for past work shouldn't be a prerquisite either.
Many pro level guys who have been shunned by UAD or PoCo and brand new talent looking to gain respect should have their products voted on by the user base.........

Oh well, I like competition.
We already have the synth lead and innovative effects covered.............
Why not everything........and the ability to load more of it... :D

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:48 pm
by Sounddesigner
jimk wrote:OK, I am still waiting and can't wait for the new stuff and as far as more DSP goes, I have 21 DSPs now and don't max them out. Without new software emulations, the extra DSPs don't excite me. I can say that the UAD2 plugins are simply amazing and if this kind of quality becomes available for the Sonic Core platform, it will really help.

I always looked at Creamware stuff as a poor man's ProTools and this new hardware looks like it might be really fantastic if it gets 3rd Party support. With quad cores etc, the need to take processing off the CPU isn't as important as this was back in the 1990's when I got my first Creamware card. Now, its about QUALITY.

Any word on this 3rd party support for new PLUGS for the new platform?


I don't think UAD would be the example to copy for several reasons, the Uad is very nice and i plan to get one again in the future but i would'nt consider it 'truly high-end', and i have several SCOPE plugins now that no doubt are on the same level as UAD effect plugins in terms of sound. Actually i prefer Brainworx and wolf's Kompressor over anything i've heard on the Uad platform. Have you tried many of the 3rd party plugins already here on SCOPE for a fair opinion?

Sure i'd love some 'truly high-end' effects stuff to come to the SCOPE Platform in the future but what's here now easily competes with what's on other platforms in general imo, except for a few rare jewels on each Platform the overall quality of each SCOPE competes with just fine imo for effects. And in terms of Synthesizers no other Platform is even close to SCOPE imo, and SCOPE is at the top in that regards. Imo great music starts with instruments and recordings, if those are right there may be little to no need for effects, atleast in my book.

I do want higher-end Effect plugins myself to come to SCOPE later but my idea of it is better then what's on uad platform also (apart from 33609, and many say it could even be better). I also know i can't make too big of a issue not having that level of quality effects for scope yet or when XITE is released because that is 'putting the cart before the horse', first the new dsp hardware needs to be released then the new plugs will come. Everything can't be done at one time, 'Rome was'nt built in a day'. I'm sure really high-end effect plugins, 64bit o/s support, Mac support, etc will all come in time, but expecting it all at once tomorrow morning is not a fair and realistic expectation to have for any company, that is ALOT of work. If a company can deliver extremely huge upgrade that's great but just need a good one to start with and the desire for more. But i assure you also i have plenty of SCOPE Effects and synths now that will make great use of the new dsp's XITE will have even if no new high-end effects come for awhile (tho it is in S/C's best interests to start bringing them in near future). XITE's processing power is 'Truly high-end' compared to other processors out here, no matter how powerful the computer gets many of us still have to wrestle with large buffer-sizes and that keeps computer power from being 'truly high-end'. There are also many power-hungry Native plugins that keep computers from being powerfull if they are what you use, power amount is relative.

I agree with you that high-end effects need to come to SCOPE (tho our taste may be different on what high-end is or types we prefer} i just don't expect too much too fast. The new dsp hardware, vista 32, bug fixes, new stock plugins and Solaris project is what we know they (S|C) will deliver first and in my opinion all of that is a pretty huge accomplishment. It took UA a longtime to bring new hardware, and it seems Protools aswell. The new hardware S|C is releasing is a huge accomplishment alone, and i'm sure will lead to many great plugins. Plus XITE can be connected to a weak laptop to have portable mega-power, Just my 2 cents.

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:28 pm
by garyb

if you like UAD, use it! Scope and UAD are not mutually exclusive, although UAD is NOT useable in realtime.

Scope's 3rd party plugins are already at that level of QUALITY, however.

the stock Scope plugins were used in the $250,000 Fairlight Constellation, so they can't be bad. i doubt most of the people praising UAD have ever even used REAL high quality hardware, to compare either system to REAL quality. most have never owned(or seen) a real LA2, 1176 or a $2500 reverb, let alone a 2" tape machine or a $3000 mic pre. few here have spent time in a room that has $100,000 or more in acoustic improvements, so opinions are like the hole in one's hind end, everyone has one.

i would always want MORE and BETTER for the Scope platform, however....

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:18 pm
by dawman
Here's a good example...................
I have had an ARP String Ensemble in my garage for years and cannot get it fixed, but I run a 40 dollar Sonic Implants sample from the last century through a Rotary Cabinet and get decent results, although I know it wasn't quite the same or as powerful.
Good things don't come easy...after trying every effect from hardware Lexicons to an Eclipse chorus I still couldn't quite get the sound.
Just recently a new device from Shroomz called Spinner which I guarantee doesn't exist in UAD or PoCo or even VST for that matter became available.
At any rate it is a Multiband Filter w/ a 24db cut and your choice of 3 Filters, which have some strange type of panning in it's design.
It reminded me of the way my real Leslie and ARP sounded which BTW was only effective on the Slow setting of the Leslie PreAmp.
I then decided that using 3 of these with with different filters on each instance all mixed in an AUX rack would be cool, and it was. But still just was close with no cigar.
I then added another unaffected stereo signal from the ASIO 2 Source Module and bled it in until I actually heard the old long gone swirly Bastard.....
So in my opinion we all have great tools, we should realize that it takes a little more work to get the desired results, but yes having used many old peices of hardware is very helpful.
I now have the sound of the hardware with MIDI controls that the old unit never had.
So to me, these types of effects have no famous name ( yet ) but didn't cost a frickin' penny.
Just a fellow Scope addicts ideas and time invested.
I am sure Shroomz wasn't thinking of the crossover frequency of a slow rotor of a 147 Leslie when he made this. But when I saw and heard it the first time, it was exactly what I was thinking of.
So Scope's biggest advantage IMHO is us. We already have a nice jump in so many areas, just continued creativity should suffice.
And yes the 36MB's of RAM on each ADP21369 could possibly be advantage as well.
This is only 1 example.
I don't want to just emulate something, I want it to be better.............. :wink:
I also never had a hardware mixer that routed audio like SpaceF's MB4-II and had total MIDI control and recall. Hell all the old stuff is just..................old. ... &sk=t&sd=a

Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:17 pm
by nightscope
XITE-1/4LIVE wrote:Hell all the old stuff is just..................old.
Ah, the wisdom of Jimmy V, patron saint of Vegas and all who dwell therein. Even the new stuff is only old stuff in a fresh coat of paint. EQ's still EQ, comps comp, synths sin, etc. There has been nothing new for decades just different ways of getting the desired result. Folks are still hacking away on old gits and keys praying for a miracle. Singing is a relatively old technique recently murdered by autotune.

UAD will bring out an all singing and dancing DSP based recording system with highly capable I/O configuration and multiple bells and whistles, I have no doubt about that. When is anybody's guess. Who cares, not moi. They have already canvassed all their users with a questionaire asking exactly what configurations would be preferable in any future products. With their track record of pres, hardware, plugs, etc, I'm sure it will be great. I have one UAD-1 card and it's extremely useful, I don't need a UAD-2 and won't get one until this one pegs out.

At present any sentences containing the words Scope and UAD are usually totally irrelevant. UAD just does some rather tasty FX with an extra helping of latency. Scope simulates most of the functions of a real life, realtime studio + the finest set of non hardware synths available to any man and his dog. Or chick. It is a complete solution lacking very little for any musical production. If the the UAD went missing I would only feel mildly whistful. If the Scope cards fry I can't record, use any EX hardware reliably, get synths humming along or do Jack. When UAD bring out a Solaris wake me up. Actually, don't. :D


Re: WTF!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:37 am
by dawman
And where else can one awaken to new and unique effect everyday?
I have not a clue what I am doing but I have a 5.1 Piano and a new 5.1 Reverb I am going to play with today.
I betcha if I keep unplugging and plugging shit in, I might get some sound.... :lol: ... ilter_id=5
DAS 5 Channel Reverb.JPG