Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by garyb »

i know who that guy is.
Scope wasn't for him. he didn't need to get upset about it. man has he been a spiteful, cursing and destructive guy. there have been a couple of them. there have also been serious hacking attacks that destroyed websites and customer service scripts quite a few years ago. some serious stuff was lost. it was most likely corporate espionage carried out by a well known entity. :lol:

truthfully, the XITE-1 is ahead of it's time and doesn't need any further development to be a good purchase and a useful piece of gear. there is no comparable product and actually i do get annoyed by people trying to make it into another product instead of them just buying the product that they want. to each their own. there are certainly many things that can be better or added to Scope and to the XITE in particular, and those things would be great, i'm in favor of most of them. the whole purpose of v6 was to modernize the code so that these things would be easier. making v5.1 from v4 took over 2 1/2 years. this is using code that is 20 years old. to use current code for v6, takes longer at first, because cross platform code must be identified and tested. add to this that certain elements failed, but not until v6 was nearly complete, and the wait will be even longer. if a project is 2 1/2 years in the best of circumstances and it is almost complete before it has to be restarted, it should be no surprise if it's been quite a long time coming. if everyone could make this product, they would. it just so happens that a very talented crew came together for Creamware. it was just the right time and place. the same people are involved with Scope still, but time and money are scarce. that's just how it is. it doesn't mean that SC is incompetent, doesn't care or whatever other aspersion that people may want to throw around. with all due respect, people don't know what they are talking about. one loud guy who has an axe to grind can destroy a company on the net. people believe bad faster than they believe good, at least sometimes.

as to what he has said that was not factual, didn't he mention "shadiness"? as in a bogus rip-off product?

he has said much worse, i don't mind what was left by the mod.

yes, i tend to push back. as you say, i'm an adopted parent. i see nothing wrong with this, or with the code word "fanboi". again, that's just negativity. i have the power on this board to ban users and erase posts, but i haven't stopped discussion. shouldn't i also give my opinion? why is it less valuable because i like the product and wish to express what i know and like? why shouldn't i correct misconceptions, or at least attempt to correct them? i don't like the idea that the company is always wrong. sometimes a company is in error. sometimes it's the user. sometimes it's nobody's fault, it just "is what it is".

the XITE probably won't do everything exactly the way that you want, but if you can't use it to improve every audio project that you work on, then don't blame the hammer, blame the workman using the hammer.

just so i don't get confused for an angry, hateful guy who's against everyone, here are some smilies. :) :) :) :)
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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by Sounddesigner »

zerocrossing wrote:
Sounddesigner wrote:
zerocrossing wrote:
Check out my recent thread on Gearslutz: ... te-1d.html

It's very civilized. The moderators there do a good job for the most part. Yeah, there are a few "trollish" replies. (Nexus 2? Really?) For the most part there are only nice things said. There are also critical points made to the other piece of gear I was considering, but thoughtful.

Here's one I starated about it on KVR:

Not a troll in site. The bulk of what is said is mostly thoughtful opinions based on actual experience. Certainly nothing that disuaded me from buying one.
There was a known troll in your KVR thread, it's just that person didn't fully reveal himself and mission to you. Trolls aren't always obvious and you have to know their history to figure them out sometimes. They masquerade their posts as fair honest opinions but when you study them and their posts history and if you know enough about SCOPE to recognize lies you can see them for what they are, otherwise instantly recognizing them as trolls can be difficult. But one thing is for sure they make a point to get into EVERY SCOPE thread they see to paint a doom-and-gloom picture of SCOPE. The guy at KVR in your thread I'm talking about is Kmonkey. Just because trolls aren't obvious doesn't mean they aren't there. Kmonkey's Gearslutz name is Mpod and I dealt with his trolling many times and he keeps coming. I started a thread awhile back on Gearslutz and like before he immediately derailed it with exaggerations, lies and even truths that are malicious over-complaints (following SCOPE users around derailing their threads with a laundry list of complaints/attack-points to be malicious), I explained his history and why he was exaggerating/lieing/overcomplaining in every SCOPE thread he can and the Moderator was able to tell he was cleverly trolling and deleted his posts and banned him from that thread. Afterwards mpod PM'd me cause he knew I had exposed his clever trolling for what it was clearly to the moderators, he then told me he would stay out of SCOPE threads. Clearly that promise was no good cause he's in your KVR thread :lol: . I guess he figure KVR moderators don't know his agenda like Gearslutz and that I don't know his other user-name. Here's a link to the Gearslutz thread, all the negative posts have been deleted - ... s-dna.html

The moderator wrote "knock it off" when giving the reason for deleting mpod's thread and than banned him from the thread, he stated in the pm to me he couldn't even see the thread anymore. You won't get the full story at the GS thread link above cause his posts and my counter-posts were deleted but you can get enough. I still have the pm from mpod (A.K.A Kmonkey) where he stated he wouldn't comment on SCOPE again, but looking at your KVR thread shows that this was obviously another lie.

Just because it isn't obvious doesn't mean trolls aren't there at work painting a bad gloom and doom picture. And when opportunity comes there negative message gets stronger.

I and others are and have always been on forums spreading the good news on SCOPE for many years. I've gotten in those Modular threads on Gearslutz you speak of and more. Everybody don't want to be a lightning rod like the few of us who do spread the word on forums about SCOPE and I understand why cause sometimes I am silent to cause I'm not in the mood for long arguments/fights.The trolling has been so serious at times that it scares some people off and makes them not bother mentioning SCOPE on forums cause it's not worth many hours of argueing with trolls. A one line attack from trolls can take many paragraphs to counter them and explain why they are lies/exaggerations/maliciously over-complaining. Making the case against a troll isn't always simple and the more clever a troll is the wordier you have to be to make the case against them. I've done this many times and have learned that no matter how many times you prove some people to be bogus their numbers don't decrease and they keep coming. Trolls don't have to be as wordy and they like terrorist know their job is easier than yours. We are not arm-chair soldiers/philosophers/Advertisers/etc we speak from first-hand experience.

Look how wordy I have to be just to explain this to you.

I did actually read that entire thread when I was in my research phase. Of course, I had no idea of the content of those deleted posts. I went back and looked at what Kmonkey said in my thread and most of it seemed fine. He does mention that he misses his Scope system.

One thing I've noticed a bit is that users here are a bit like proud parents. That's good, but I do see that when some pretty fair and balanced things have been said in criticism of Sonic Core, there's a lot of push back. What things did Kmonkey say that were not factual? Sounds to me like he was trying to run things at a higher sample rate than his system was able to do. That's how I took his post. He was kind of right about the fact that there is not a lot of development for the platform. I could see why that would be important to some, though it's less important to me because it seems as if you felt something was missing it would just be a matter of building it in Modular. Even now there is a thread about there being a lack of wavetable synth with user importable wavetables. That is actually something I'm interested in, though it's not like I don't have tools that do that. In a sense I think of the XITE to lighten the load to the CPU and add effects to native plugs.

In your specific thread he did nothing wrong BUT did post in your thread when he stated in the past he would leave SCOPE threads alone and no longer do this wich obviously was a lie and as usual came with his usual laundry list of complaints, and if you knew his past you'd know what he was up to in your thread. Even constant complaining with laundry list is a form of trolling itself if brought in to every forum and in every thread about gear you no longer use and every thread is derailed because of it. To derail threads about SCOPE but usually with a completely different subject than what he brings wich is his constant laundry list of complaints is trolling in a subtle way. But not so subtle was done as well. Tracking gear threads for constant endless complaints is trolling especially worser when you consider he never bought any hardware from SonicCore just old used pci cards elsewhere but always have his laundry list of complaints. If you expect a company to address your complaints shouldn't you support them? Whenever I get upset with a company I give my negative review and just leave them alone I don't continue hanging on their forums taking cheap shots, looking for attack points and complaining, neither do I hop in every thread about them in other forums to derail them with complaints that don't even fit the subject. There's a better way than such.

But he has flat out lied on Sonic Core in past threads stating SonicCore promised him a fix to the sampler then sold him three upgrade to SCOPE that they claim had the fix but that did not have it and this was a lie and I proved it. His first purchase was version 4.5, guess what? Sonic Core didn't develop 4.5 Creamware did!! 4.5 was not a upgrade from SonicCore and they didn't lie to him and state a fix would be in that version and then take his money since that version was around BEFORE SonicCore. S|C had just taken over and was only selling the product line Creamware was selling for years. Then he stated they sold him version 5 claiming a sampler fix was in it, well guess what? IF YOU BOUGHT VERSION 4.5 THEN VERSON 5 WAS FREE!!! SonicCore did not sell him v5 as a sampler fix version cause they did not sell it to him at all, it was free!!! I would think people would be appreciative when a small struggling company gives something away like that for free. Then he also said SonicCore sold him version 5.1 and said a fix was in it, but guess what? It was common knowledge that 5.1 was solely a x64 bit Windows compatibility upgrade nothing else and S|C stated this clearly and everyone knew, I even came back to PlanetZ and did a search for the 5.1 upgrade thread and you know what? He was in that thread under the name 'maky325' (different forum names but same trolling, plus it use to be mpod here at PlanetZ as well before he changed it to Maky325) and it showed he knew BEFORE he bought 5.1 that it was soley a x64bit compatibility upgrade. Sonic Core did not jip him out any money as he had implied. Truthfully Sonic Core hasn't even released their own platform yet just updates to the old Creamware one, SCOPE 6 is meant to be their own.They are not going to waste time re-coding a sampler that is not a main-attraction of this Platform when man-hours are precious and there are far more important things (SCOPE 6, SDK 6, etc). See how wordy I have to get to explain this stuff?

He also stated SonicCore is just milking people with selling of new plugins and no more updates to SCOPE are coming to scare off potential customers. This was a flat out lie and attack on SonicCore that was not merited. You make such claims you need to prove it or you're wrong for lieing on a company that has done no wrong to you.

I could go on but I'll leave it there. I've used too much time on the matter wich is exactly my point as well.

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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by braincell »

There is too much competition. Who in their right mind would not want this?
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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by tlaskows »

I'm in! 1 VCO for 600 USD! That's a sweet deal bro!


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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by tlaskows »

braincell wrote:There is too much competition. Who in their right mind would not want this?
Wait, it's analog right? So this is a great deal :lol:

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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by braincell »

Perfect sound for recording or sampling. That would be all I need.
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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by tlaskows »

So you bought the Moog??

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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by braincell »

It's tempting but I have too many other toys I want such as an Oculus Rift and new graphics card for it and the usual updates from Cubase and Native Instruments. Not enough money to get everything I want.
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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by tlaskows »

Ahaha, that's always the problem! People that are into music are always broke, no, it's not a joke :lol:

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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by zerocrossing »

braincell wrote:There is too much competition. Who in their right mind would not want this?
True that... though I think I'd spend the extra cash and get a Future Retro XS instead, but that's another story. It is related though... I've cleared out quite a few hardware synths to make room and funds for the XITE-1. I didn't clear all of them out though... I think there still is a good reason for a hardware analog, if for nothing else just the physical experience of one. It's made me question a few of my decisions. I kept an ATC-X QFS and an Analog Four. While I love the sound of both, the ATC-X isn't the most fun or intuitive synth to program. The Analog Four is down-right user hostile unless I'm using it's software editor. Something with a 1:1 feature/interface like the Studio Electronics Boomstar line might be a much better option because of it's physicality. The Mother32 is probably a very good option as well.
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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by braincell »

zerocrossing wrote:
braincell wrote:There is too much competition. Who in their right mind would not want this?
True that... though I think I'd spend the extra cash and get a Future Retro XS instead, but that's another story. It is related though... I've cleared out quite a few hardware synths to make room and funds for the XITE-1. I didn't clear all of them out though... I think there still is a good reason for a hardware analog, if for nothing else just the physical experience of one. It's made me question a few of my decisions. I kept an ATC-X QFS and an Analog Four. While I love the sound of both, the ATC-X isn't the most fun or intuitive synth to program. The Analog Four is down-right user hostile unless I'm using it's software editor. Something with a 1:1 feature/interface like the Studio Electronics Boomstar line might be a much better option because of it's physicality. The Mother32 is probably a very good option as well.
I forgot my wishlist:
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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by tlaskows »

Come on! I hope that's a joke, Braincell!

This cost me less than 400 CAD to build, more around 300 CAD:

The chips are cheap. The most expensive parts are the hardware like pots, knobs, jacks, bananas...

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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by dante »

Sounddesigner wrote:After Dante busted him out I'm fairly certain he went back and re-edited his posts. But we still have the two quotes above the first is here only on Planetz its just not at Youtube anymore along with another I vaguely remember. But enough is still present cause he could not fully cover his tracks. One thing is for sure he knows of XITE-1 cause he was told that day about it.
yeah that was a bit of fun. Now Im starting to educate over at the 'reasontalk' forum. Sum yung guy wants to run Reason w/ DSP card - now another yung guy finds Scope 'D' and interesting option. ... 24#p230124

29 and 37 - thats young isnt it ?

I was told that kids going to School Of Rock in Sydney have neva heard of 'The Beatles'

whippersnappers. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by tlaskows »

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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by Sounddesigner »

dante wrote:
Sounddesigner wrote:After Dante busted him out I'm fairly certain he went back and re-edited his posts. But we still have the two quotes above the first is here only on Planetz its just not at Youtube anymore along with another I vaguely remember. But enough is still present cause he could not fully cover his tracks. One thing is for sure he knows of XITE-1 cause he was told that day about it.
yeah that was a bit of fun. Now Im starting to educate over at the 'reasontalk' forum. Sum yung guy wants to run Reason w/ DSP card - now another yung guy finds Scope 'D' and interesting option. ... 24#p230124

29 and 37 - thats young isnt it ?

I was told that kids going to School Of Rock in Sydney have neva heard of 'The Beatles'

whippersnappers. :lol: :lol:
If they don't know who the Beatles are then they likely don't know much about music, and that school really has some major work to do :lol: ..

Actually I've heard alot of the newer generations music, usually leaves much to be desired.
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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by tlaskows »

Hmm, what's wrong with cRAP? I mean, it sounds great and the lyrics are very intriguing... Ok, I'll stop.

I am actually still pretty young, but like all the good old stuff like 60s, 70s, even some 80s! 90s was kind of a disaster in the music history :o

I test people by asking them if you know 'Cream'. Ahahahaha...

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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by Sounddesigner »

I liked the 90s as well. From 50s thru 90s was good to me (and I'm not that old). Just don't like 2000s and beyond.
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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by tlaskows »

I believe autotune came out in 1997. So yeah, it ruined the music around 2000 :lol:

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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by tlaskows »

Oh yeah,

Some bands can still put on a good show and sing in tune. I saw Walk Off The Earth a few years ago before they exploded. Amazing concert. They're a local band that got big on utube. Their life performance sounded pretty much exactly the same as the studio album. There are some real bands out there, so there is still hope.

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Re: Sonic-Core & Kickstarter

Post by braincell »

I don't like the current emphasis on live playing. Alternative was a giant step in the wrong direction. The Beatles experimented in the studio a lot. Revolution 9 was their best piece. Perhaps "Let It Be" foreshadowed the backlash against massive studio productions in rock.
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