PC Crashes opening windows explorer/IE explorer.

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Post by orbita »

I was making music last night with scope/logic. It was all running fine for hours. Then, I opened IE and my pc just hung.
I rebooted, loaded everything, spent about an hour getting back to where I was and then I needed to load windows explorer to get a file and it bloody hung again!

Any ideas what this might be?

It seems to be working ok this morning so I suspect it only happens after its been on for a while - could be heat but ive multiple fans now and the case doesnt feel warm like it did when heat was a problem.
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Post by orbita »

shite! happened again.
have been making music all afternoon. I open windows explorer, bam, everything freezes!

im saving every 2 mins now just in case
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Post by jabney »


Sounds like a problem I had recently. The solution on my system (98SE, PIII, 815E chipset, 512 Mb Cas 2) was to clear-out the "My Documents" directory. Not as easy as it sounds if it's taking 1/4 hour to display anything at all. If you can boot into DOS here's how to get stuff out of "My Documents" and into another directory:

1. Make sure you are in C: by typing 'dir' (all commands here are in single quotes followed by the Enter key) you may need to type 'CD ..' (the double dots take you up one level) to get to the root directory "C:" if you are in "C:Windows"

2. Type 'mkdir Docs'

3. Type 'CD "my documents" ' (note the use of double quotation marks around "my documents")

4. Make sure you are in C:My Documents by typing 'dir'

5. Type 'copy *.* to C:Docs'

6. Go up one level ('CD ..') then type 'CD docs'

7. Make sure everything was copied by typing 'dir /p' (the /p flag shows one page of directory listing and the Enter key will page down until the end of the listing)

8. Type 'CD ..' to get back to C:

9. Get back into My Documents by typing 'CD "My Documents" ' repeat step 7 to make sure you're in the right directory

### !!! Danger Will Robinson !!! ###
### !!! Read carefully first !!! ###
### !!! Delicate step ahead !!! ###

10. Once you know you've safely copied ALL your files from My Documents (don't worry about the sub-directories) and you are POSITIVE that you are in My Documents, type 'del *.*'

11. Repeat step 7 to make sure you've deleted the files (but from My Documents only!)

12. Re-boot into Windows and promise to never use "My Documents" for anything ever again (or at least that's what I did <grin>)

Funny thing, my new Docs directory was on the same drive as My Documents and I did not delete any files at all (i.e. same size - roughly). The problem seems to be unique to the My Documents directory.

Good luck

John A

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: jabney on 2002-08-13 00:05 ]</font>
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