ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Discuss the Creamware ASB and Klangbox hardware boxes

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ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by the19thbear »

-So i got a minimax asb. I'm really excited about it, i love the sound and knob accesability - but it has some limitations:
-No glide in polymode.
-Audible stepping with glide enabled. (it should be called glissando or something instead!)-Easy to fix!
-Audible stepping when finetuning oscillators.(easy to fix!)
-Lag when controlling filter cutoff manually
-Notes sometimes hang in polymode if i switch the decay button "on".

-What other things would you like fixed?
-And most important of all: How much would you pay?
-Im hoping to persuade SC to just do one last update, and tell them how many people would pay, and how much they would pay.

Just write the amount of money you would pay for these updates, and what your top 5 whishes for fixes are.

Lets just keep it for the minimax only for now - we can start other threads for the other ASB.

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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by erminardi »

I think, sadly, the ASB to be left by Sonic | Core Development...
4PC + Scope 5.0 + no more Xite + 2xScope Pro + 6xPulsarII + 2xLunaII + SDK + a lot of devices (Flexor III & Solaris 4.1 etc.) + Plugiator.
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by the19thbear »

Yeah.. I Got the same impression. But I still want to try:)
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by dante »

I think they are pushing XITE as the replacement for the ASB, since they talk about the improved control resolution that running those synths under Scope has over the ASB. ... 56&lang=us
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by garyb »

they certainly don't have time to redo the ASB boxes.
the latest os rev will fix the stepping issues.
funny you want to use external hardware when your Scope card works well as external hardware... :)
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by erminardi »

Xite is cool but lacks of specific midi controller for synths like i.e. Minimax... maybe something like "hybrid style" from Arturia?
The real power of ASB are the knobs <3
4PC + Scope 5.0 + no more Xite + 2xScope Pro + 6xPulsarII + 2xLunaII + SDK + a lot of devices (Flexor III & Solaris 4.1 etc.) + Plugiator.
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by dante »

garyb wrote:they certainly don't have time to redo the ASB boxes.
And time may not be the only resource, there's probably up front ($$) overheads like dev tools, h/ware (eg the ASB boxes themselves), programmer etc.
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by the19thbear »

i agre with emirnardi.
Its all about the knobs!
I know a local music store that has a dead minimax... i think it still sends midi, so i could just buy that instead and sell the one i have. And then set it up as a controller..

we'll see :)
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by HUROLURA »

I also agree that the real power of the ASB are the knobs.

From my own experience owning a NOAH (more flexible than ASB but less user friendly) and ASB alltogether with Scope PCI and Xite-1, I must admit that the Xite-1 has just one "drawback": you need a host to let it work.

I did some templates to remote control the NOAH from external MIDI controllers like BCR 2000 and X-Station (I still have to provide similar stuff for my newly arrived Bitstream 3x and I am waiting for a novation remote zero SL to join the family).
But nothing is better than the direct access provided by the ASB.

Some of my friends can't bear the software aspect of the Scope platform but when they saw the ASB they just enjoy them, of course for the sound but also for the direct control. They only miss a keyboard to be just plug-and-play instruments.
The Filter selection added to the Prodyssey ASB would deserve to be ported to its Scope counterpart.

Then the Solaris just offer quite a good alternative: a self containt powerfull modular synth with quite a bunch of direct control elements.
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by the19thbear »

Ok.. I sold the minimax again and Got some money out of the deal. The most disappointing thing for me is the glide! It has tiny steps in it! A minimoog without proper glide?!?!
Well I'm going to build a custom minimax controller instead with the same layout as the asb I think. The scope version still sounds amazing and doesn't have all the quirks...
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by jksuperstar »

Bear, please post any updates about your DIY controller experience. Controllers seem to be the one thing I have always struggled with. A Novation SL Zero might be in my future, just for the automap features, but I'd like to see if automap can be cajoled to work with SCOPE, at least through XTC.

Creating templates isn't that big of a deal, but many presets (factory or user) don't have the exact *same* MIDI mappings on the synths, so those are out the window. So a lot of work needs to be done in the end to make a full replacement for ASB.
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by HUROLURA »

Something like this: ... ntry124998

I guess this is the guy who now offer this one (same name):

I suggested him to integrate an ASX board inside ... :)

Still a project I have in mind to setup some dedicated controller for my favourite synths but the thing is I bought some ASB meanwhile so I would probably concentrate on a hardware MIDI router/transformer to adjust the MIDI channel and mapping depending on which ASB tries to take control other either the NOAH, or the ASX or one of my scope system (PCI or Xite-1).
Maybe I should hack a bliptronic (buying a bliptronome kit ? ) to get it achieved. :D
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Re: ATT: Let us make SC update MINIMAX ASB's!

Post by the19thbear »

yep... min wont be as beautiful of course! just a standard box with knobs etc.
I'm going to use ucapps/midibox as well. Its going to be an ongoing hobby project, so it might take a while before its finished.

I'll keep you guys posted:)
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